A summer fence is an element carrying a multi-load. Enclosure of a suburban area is a matter not only of the clarity of the designation of its borders, but also the completeness of landscape design.
In the conditions of our realities, this often should also be a protective object that gives a sense of peace and helps create an atmosphere of peace and happiness in the territory behind it. It is unlikely that the house on the outskirts will add protection such a fashionable trend, as a hedge. It’s time to build a fortification. Proceeding from the aforesaid, the question naturally arises: what should a reliable fence be like? What fence to choose, and that he served faithfully and truthfully, and pleased the eye?
Summer cottage: selection criteria
A secure enclosure must meet the following requirements:
1. Provide security function.
2. To be distinguished by longevity.
3. Have an aesthetic appearance.
4. Do not require specific care.
5. Answer SNIP.

The dacha fence should be distinguished by its durability
Legal nuance
When deciding which fence is better for the site, one should not forget about the rules prescribed in clause 6.2 of the SNiP and that shading of neighboring areas is prohibited. This means that the dividing sections of the hedgerows can not be deaf. They should be mesh, perhaps latticework, not exceeding one and a half meters in height. According to the decision of the general meeting of horticulture, an acceptable norm can be the arrangement of capital fences only from the side of carriageways and streets.
From what you can make the hedges
Today, the garden fence can be supplied from almost any material. It is from the choice of the type of construction and will depend: how difficult the fence will be in the installation, how it will cope with security functions, how it will have to be taken care of and, of course, what all this will result in the financial issue. So, let’s try to figure out which fence is better?
One of the most popular variants of dacha hedges. It is able to provide the territory with a sufficiently high level of protection. The aesthetic nature of the species is ensured by the quality of staining. The construction is durable, practically maintenance-free. It is also valuable that it is possible to install simple projects of profiled dacha fences with your own hands.

The fence from the proflist is practically maintenance free
A simple option. Not expensive. As a security facility will act in the case of using a wire section of not less than 1.8 mm. If you collect dacha hedges from a less durable mesh, they can easily be destroyed by wire cutters.

Country house fence from the grid-rabitsy
Of the positive moments that can play a leading role in deciding which fence to choose, the most relevant is the transparency of the grid. The absence of a shadow will allow the maximum use of land for agrarian purposes. The design will not be different in beauty, however, it will not ask for self-care. The mesh fence is durable. The service life is calculated for at least 25 years. In case of sagging of some areas it will be easy to repair the garden fence with your own hands.
If you are lost in a sea of proposals and can not decide which fence is better for the site – look at the wooden structures. These are universal solutions, suitable for all cases of life. In such country hedges incredibly successfully assembled simplicity of installation, low cost, aesthetics. Wooden options are the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises, which fence to choose for the site? In all this idea is good, except one. A wooden fence is a weak defense. The fence is easy to break. Through it it will not be difficult to swing.

Wooden fence – a universal solution for giving
The second weak link in the hedgerows of wood is their vulnerability. They do not tolerate the impact of moisture, the sun. They will need to be taken care of regularly. A summer fence of this kind will require regular renovation and cosmetic repairs, but with all this, the wooden fences of various modifications are the most harmonious solutions for finishing the plots, the houses on which were built of round bar.

Wooden fence needs regular care
“If you put a capital dacha fence, so from the face and texture bricks”
The most reliable and durable brick construction differs solidity and aesthetics. It could be called an ideal option, if not for the high cost and the need to attract professionals. Serving a brick fence may be up to half a century, but will need care. Since such dachas are referred to capital buildings, their erection requires preliminary design.

Brick fence – the most durable option
If the answer to the question of which fence to choose is a brick structure, then try not to save on the material. This will have a negative effect on aesthetics. It will be incorrect to perform brickwork with the same type of brick. Such a composition will look sad. The fact that it is not hidden behind the prison territory, but a very picturesque place, will be thought only by optimists. If you put a capital dacha fence, so from the face and texture bricks. Try to dilute it with forging sections or inserts of natural stone. So you can get fences of impeccable aesthetics.

Brick fence with forging elements
A brick version will require a foundation. For greater decorativeness, the base part can be decorated with large stones, laid with seaming. In this design, the country house fence will be especially good.

Brick fence with a plinth of decorative stone
Breaking the head, what kind of fence for the site is better, look at polycarbonate projects. They are reliable defenders of the territory not afraid of corrosion and mold. If necessary, the section can be washed with water. It would seem that it is not very difficult to put polycarbonate structures as summer cottages by oneself. Just take the sections and fasten them to the posts, but experts still have to work on it. Only they know the tricks how to make from nondescript material really attractive fences.

Fence made of polycarbonate is not afraid of corrosion and mold
To order a forged dacha fence, only well-off dacha dwellers can afford themselves, for whom the issue of prestige and aesthetics of the surrounding area is in the first place. Such fences will serve whole generations of owners. Forged fences are always exclusive, as the drawing of sections is designed only by individual order. Installation is also purely professional. In general, the high cost in everything, but the return is maximum.

Countryside forged fence
Metal fence
The components of the fence are made of aluminum coated with polymers. This makes the construction durable and not demanding in care. Dacha hedges have a high degree of decorativeness, as there is a possibility of their styling under any textures.

Metal fence can simulate any texture
Welded fence
Mount the welded dacha fence can be made of any metal strips, pipes, fittings. Especially well welded sections look in the frame of stone pillars. An excellent addition, adding decorativeness, can be forged inserts. Welded hedges stand for decades, and they will not have to look after them, throughout the entire operational period. The question of installing a garden fence with our own hands is controversial. If there is no experience in welding work, it will be impossible to cope with the work.

Welded fence for summer residence
Combined fencing
“Fans of original solutions with the question of which fence is better, will not have to suffer at all: they will certainly give preference to an unusual gabion”
It is unequivocal to say which fence for the site is better, because the selection criteria are not limited to the financial side only. On what a fence to choose, taste preferences also influence. Someone is comfortable only for a three-meter hedge, which can not be taken and an attack, and someone and the openwork fence is enough. A lot of fans have combined options, because they can combine aesthetics, strength and practicality.

Combined fence option
With a limited budget expressive, only the front part can be made, having harmonized it with the decor of the house facade. It will look good, for example, such an option, where the plinth and poles made of natural stone will complement sections from the profiled sheet.

Combined fence made of stone and proflista
With an average budget, the corrugated sheet can replace tinted wood or decorative bricks.
Fans of original solutions with the question of which fence is better, will not have to suffer at all: they will certainly give preference to an unusual gabion. The technique of its creation is interesting, many of which evoke desire to work on the dacha fence with their own hands. The basis of the design is a lattice container, assembled from steel wire. Its voids are filled with stones of various shapes. As a result, a high-strength, perfectly protective fence, attracts those around the atypical appearance.

High-strength gabion fence
How to be a dacha fence, each owner will decide for himself, but as practice shows, the main consumer demand in the case with the dachas is still using budget projects – wood and corrugated timber, so they should be discussed in more detail.
A tree or a corrugated sheet – which fence is better?
You can answer this question only by conducting a comparative analysis of both hedges. Why attention is paid to these kinds of dacha hedges? The secret is that both options are available and in demand in private construction. So, let’s begin.
This indicator often becomes the main elective criterion. By and large, the cost of hundreds of meters for both options is approximately the same. The price will change in one direction or the other depending on the features of the design decision and the quality level of the consumables themselves, so what kind of fence to choose, this parameter will help a little.
Here it will already be of what to choose which fence for the site is better. And the leader in this aspect, of course, will be the dacha hedges from the proflist. They will not need much care. They are ready for years to serve without additional tinting and repair. The paint on the material sits tight, so that in an unattractive form the fence will never be. You do not have to worry about corrosion. The profiled worker, going to the fences, is galvanized during production and, in addition, is protected with a polyester layer. All this serves as a reliable protection against the destructive effect of moisture.

Fence made of corrugated board does not require special care
In the case of the tree of reasoning about its practicality and what kind of fence to choose, will be disappointing. A pure tree is difficult to withstand the weather. It is prone to rotting, fungus infection. It is loved by insects. All this is an indication that wooden fences are demanding in care. They will have every two years:
- clean out;
- treat with medical and protective compounds;
- re-paint.
This is compensated by the simplicity of the installation of these dacha fences with their own hands and high overall aesthetics.

Wooden fence is easy to install
“Wooden fences are a foothold for creativity”
Here it is not even worth asking, which fence is better – wooden variants in all their interpretations will give odds to the proflist. No matter how he puffed, he would never become more than a metal wall. Its only privilege can be considered a variety of color solutions. Wooden dacha hedges – this is a springboard for creativity. Forms and design are limited only by the level of skill of the manufacturer. Undeniable advantage of wooden structures will be the opportunity to provide for their erection ventilation gaps, which is very like vegetation. The dimensions of such gaps are arbitrary, which allows you to save on the material by collecting dacha fences with your own hands.

Summer cottage with original texture
Modern wooden fences have long been not just knocked down boards. These are the most interesting solutions, allowing to emphasize the beauty of territories and objects hiding behind them.
The labor cost of erection can be the main point of choosing the type of summer cottage. The sections of the profiled sheet are fastened, in the simplest case, to posts embedded in concrete. Between them stretched lags, which are subsequently fixed in metal sheets. If you want to get something more solid from the summer curbs, the pillars are laid out of brick and stone and build a foundation. What kind of fence for the site is better to explain, but the last option will require both funds and attracting specialists. It is not realistic to implement such projects of dacha fences with our own hands, without a certain level of preparation in the construction business.

Scheme of erecting a fence from a proflist
To determine which fence is best, you need to focus on your abilities, preferences and know exactly what you expect from the fencing. If the question is in the decorativeness and simplicity of the arrangement, then the scales should bend to the tree. For those who need functionality and durability, there is no better solution than a corrugated sheet.
Fenced wooden fences with own hands
Having considered what kind of fence for the site is better from wood or proflista, we can conclude that if you want to put around the perimeter of the site something unsettled and attracting attention, it is worthwhile to focus on working with wood. It is from this material that you can make the most exotic stylish and pretty dacha hedges.
Funny colors
If you are an optimist with a great sense of humor and are ready to make “candy” from improvised means, then it is long to think about which fence is best, but do not immediately start erecting a cheerful colorful fence. It can be collected from a variety of materials, sometimes even mixed, but it is easiest to collect such summer fences with your own hands from a fence. Fantasies can be expressed as you like. The choice of colors is solely a matter of personal preference. Do you want riot of colors – no question! Pulls to pacify – look for something gentle among the pastel watercolors. Successfully matched color combination, even a fence of snags and twigs will make a unique design object.

Bright summer cottage fence
When decorating a fence, you can decorate it with two tones alternating in the application, and transfer to it the entire palette of colors. Which fence is better for the site? The one that will be painted with good quality paints, which simultaneously have sufficient juiciness and resistance to natural disasters. Your works should not go to dust in the spring. Savings on the paint will lead to the fact that for longer than one season the country fence does not please its diversity.

For painting the fence choose quality paint
One more nuance. Funny fences are not appropriate at any site. Their brightness is attractive, so the rest of the design of the site must match the style. For example, around the white stone chambers, the colored fence will look ridiculous, but a simple wooden house in such a frame will be simply magnificent.
You can go further and develop the theme of fairy tales by making a fence in the form of colored pencils or a stockade decorated with shaded clay pots instead of skulls.
Elegance in simplicity
Lovers of classics in the design of country spaces also suffer from the choice of which fence to choose to designate the boundaries of their territories. They should look for projects where the emphasis is on the grace of forms. Do not think that such dacha fences with their own hands can not be assembled. In fact, this is a common fence, the basis of which are the boards or the same fence. The leading role here is for details. The secret lies in the design of the dacha. Painting it in white, it’s easy to add elegance to it. Stylish in this decision will look even the most simple fence.

Elegant villa fence in white color
Those who are not attracted by snow-white shades, you can use:
- paints of soft tones;
- strict blue color;
- shades of gray;
- green spectrum.

The fence is blue
Rustic fence
If the entire territory of the suburban area, including buildings, is in a rustic style, then the villa fence should be placed in the appropriate decor. Naturally, he will have problems with defensive functions, but he will not have such hedges in his coloring.

Fence in a rustic style
The fences collected from birch poles are incredibly attractive. Those who do not feel calm behind the symbolic summer cottage, the idea can be transferred to the interior of the site. Thus it is convenient to fence off from neighbors or to break a site into zones. Surrounded by birch tuna, you will get an unusually comfortable relaxation zone.

Picturesque fence of birch poles
Work for real “crazy” pens. Only those who possess certain skills and have remarkable patience will be able to build dacha fences with their own hands. That’s from their hands really come true masterpieces. Weaving can be done in many ways, making their design exclusive. It should be noted that the process of weaving is long, so that in order to finish the work for the summer season will have to begin their implementation in early spring.

Colorful wattle fence in the country
If in the contest, which fence is better for the site, the wattle fences were defeated, but there is nobody to do the weaving of the fence with their own hands, the specialized centers will come to the aid. There it is possible to find ready-made sections of wattle fences that can not be fixed.
It should be understood that the dacha fence can make homebuilding both original and attractive, and accidentally disfigure it, so do not forget to relate design ideas to the architectural style of the country house and the design of the surrounding landscape.
Photogallery – summer cottage
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 18:07
l require regular maintenance and painting. However, if you still decide to choose a wooden fence for your summer cottage, it is better to use impregnated wood or special protective coatings. In conclusion, when choosing a fence for your suburban area, it is important to consider not only its security function, but also its aesthetic appearance, durability, and ease of maintenance. It is also necessary to comply with the rules and regulations set forth in SNiP. Each type of fence has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to carefully weigh all the options before making a final decision.