The biggest passableness in the house is the living room, so the desire of the owners to create a special comfort in the room is quite understandable. A nice atmosphere will help to get such an interesting design reception as Combining wallpaper in the living room. Agree, even the most luxurious furniture will lose its charm, if it is placed on a background of faceless and empty walls.

Combining colorful gray wallpapers in the living room
To give the room its originality and make the interior truly alive will help wallpaper of any shades of the chosen primary color. In this way, many professional designers zoned rooms. When combining wallpaper in the living room successfully use different variants of finishing, but in this case it should be taken into account that such design will clearly and sharply divide the room.
The most correct approach to combining wallpapers is the ability to determine the basic background of the decoration of walls. It is not superfluous to recall that relief wallpaper, materials with drawings or ornaments are most harmoniously combined with smooth and monophonic structures. This tandem is called ideal. So, in the living room, you can finish the wallpaper with a large print and add the composition to the tone in the main color.

The combination of gray-silver wallpaper in the living room
Combining different colors in the living room will help arrange the visual boundaries between the rest zone in the room and the lunch area. In the latter, it is better to use light, cold shades, and to allocate a rest zone with warmer tones. In this “cozy corner” with pleasure all your household members will spend their time. For dimensional living rooms, a win-win option will be a combination of a geometric pattern, supplemented with wallpaper, which repeat one of the basic tones.
“Do not get carried away with the variety of combinations: remember that the mission of the wallpaper you select is to become a background for furniture. And this means that when choosing the finishes, one should take into account the color range of curtains, furniture and additional accessories, the presence of which is supposed to be in the room. “

Yellow-gray insert in the center of the living room
Features of the decoration of the living room, which should not be neglected
- modest in size living rooms, limited to a low ceiling, will perfectly refresh the decoration of the sun color. And the lighter it will be, the better;
- atmosphere of unprecedented coziness warm colors are able to create in spacious rooms. Increase the space even more and at the same time give a piquant restraint can cool colors;
- too dark colors, such as purple and black, are able to “eat” space;
- on the walls the pastel scale looks boring. On such surfaces, it is important to use bright color accents, which can be created without problems using the technique combining wallpaper in the living room;
- Do not get carried away by the variety of combinations: remember that the mission of the wallpaper you select is to become a background for furniture. And this means that when choosing the finishes, one should take into account the color range of curtains, furniture and additional accessories, the presence of which is supposed to be in the room.

Bright wallpaper in the recreation area
How to combine wallpaper in the living room
- Wallpapers can be purchased by type: Lightest combination of original wallpaper colors. Today they are presented in an enormous assortment, so it will not be possible to choose a typical combination of the problem. Experienced designers prefer to work with similar shades, but when an unusual effect is needed, they play in sharp contrast. In the latter case Combining different types of wallpaper in the living room helps to make the room not just bright, but also interesting. It is possible to combine finishing and drawing. Here, even if you use wallpaper of the same tones, the specialist will create the necessary comfort for a family holiday. In this case, first of all, one tone is selected, on which the original patterns will be applied. This move will allow you to select an interesting interior of the living room, without spending any special effort. For example, between monophonic stripes there may appear flowing strips or large flowers, which will become a wonderful option for decor. But work with textures is considered the most difficult technique. However, you can use a combination of paper duplex with vinyl wallpaper. They are acquired in one tone. The subtlety is that, after pasting, the texture of the vinyl wallpaper will bring a very interesting feature to the interior: the walls in some places will become voluminous, and this will give the interior a non-standard zest.
- Places of joints of wallpaper sheets can be additionally trimmed in zigzag strips or waves. However, it’s difficult to do it yourself: doing this kind of finishing requires certain skills.

Textured wallpaper creates the illusion of the back wall
Combine the wallpaper horizontally
This principle is well known to everyone, as it is used to decorate walls in schools and medical hospitals. Do not be scared, use a combination of wallpaper of this type in the living room will make her charming and there will not even be a hint of official atmosphere in the room. The gluing is carried out in a horizontal plane, therefore on the wall there will be a cross joint of two strips, located approximately at the middle of the height. With him, too, you can “play” and highlight it in a florid way. Such bands can be obtained more than two, however, their presence in large numbers can give the wall a too mottled appearance. A bright pattern on the walls will result from a combination of contrasts. If you want to get a peaceful atmosphere in the room, there is a reason to experiment not with the color spectrum, but with the texture, while adhering to the rules for the similarity of shades.

Horizontal combination of wallpaper in a strip
Vertical combination
With this type combining wallpaper in the living room use the same principles as in the previous, horizontal. Strips can vary in width, alternating in color or texture sequence. The combination of the vertical gives an effect of ceiling height and allows you to lighten the shaded areas of the room.

A color-saturated vertical strip of wallpaper
Combine the flaps
This type of decor is somewhat similar to the folding of a mosaic. In this variant, multi-colored or multi-textured pieces of wallpaper are glued to the wall in a certain order.
Before embarking on a bold idea, one must critically look at how the acquired wallpaper is combined. Lay out them, combining in the order in which you are going to place them on the wall; if everything is harmonious, you can start work. Patchwork combining does not limit imagination, for it it is appreciated by all designers. From pieces of wallpaper you can create a panel of unique beauty.

Chaotic combination of wallpaper in the living room
Inserts from wallpaper
The method of wallpaper inserts is a kind of patchwork combination, only in this case very large pieces are used and their edges are trimmed. This method is good for zoning or highlighting a section of the room. It’s good to use inserts in turquoise living room. Limited by moldings or frames contrasting pieces are attached to the main background. Often this method is used to create a Baroque style. A special style can be attributed combinations with photo wallpapers. On sale there are entire collections of these wonderful inserts.

Inserting textured wallpaper to make the living room unique
“It is wrong to consider the finishing of walls with a purely decorative nuance, the task of which is to attract attention. If the project is handled by an experienced designer, then first of all it changes all the principles. “
Combining decorative wallpaper in a modern living room
It is wrong to consider the finishing of walls with a purely decorative nuance, the task of which is to attract attention. If the project is handled by an experienced designer, then first of all it changes all the principles. He has enough experience to make a unique zoning with the application in practice combining wallpaper in the living room. Especially important is the help of a specialist in the arrangement of a modest small room. On professional sites you can see a sea of design zoning options, which are the best evidence that such repairs can fix almost all the shortcomings of the room. Sometimes in the room set quite large closets, which remain hidden from the eyes of the guests.

Combination of monophonic and wallpaper with illustrations
To create this effect, they resort to zoning. In addition to selecting wallpapers, in this case, you need to combine lighting. Game of shadows can render invaluable service in a decor. In classic cases, low-visibility areas are shaded by dark, soothing shades. There, if necessary, you can put little-used pieces of furniture. This is not the simplest zoning solution, but its effectiveness makes any decorating project successful.

Fire wallpaper selection
The other part of the living room is “clarified”. In addition to the fact that light wallpapers are used here, their tones tend to support the light pouring from the windows. In the evening, this role performs artificial lighting, so it is important to use a variety of fixtures. Applying Combining wallpaper in the living room, designers were able to do without zoning without the use of “cutting” the space of permanent partitions. This allowed at any time to change the purpose of the room, simply changing the wallpaper and style. The interior, created with the help of wallpaper combinations, fills the living room with beauty and makes it attractive for guests. So the combination of wallpaper, despite the complexity of the selection of finishing materials, can be considered a highlight of the modern interior.
Photo gallery – a combination of wallpaper in the living room:
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 19:31
Russian language:
Самым проходимым местом в доме является гостиная, поэтому желание владельцев создать особый комфорт в комнате вполне понятно. Приятная атмосфера поможет получить такой интересный дизайн-ресепшн, как сочетание обоев в гостиной. Согласитесь, даже самая роскошная мебель потеряет свою привлекательность, если она будет размещена на фоне безликих и пустых стен.
Сочетание цветных серых обоев в гостиной поможет придать комнате оригинальность и сделать интерьер по-настоящему живым. Таким образом, многие профессиональные дизайнеры зонируют комнаты. При успешном сочетании обоев в гостиной используются различные варианты отделки, но в этом случае следует учитывать, что такой дизайн явно и резко разделит комнату. Самый правильный подход к сочетанию обоев – это способность определить основной фон отделки стен. Не лишним будет напомнить, что рельефные обои, материалы с рисунками или орнаментами наиболее гармонично сочетаются с гладкими и монотонными структурами. Этот тандем называется идеальным. Таким образом, в гостиной можно отделать обоями с большим принтом и добавить композицию в тон основного цвета.
Сочетание серо-серебрист