For almost a century now, among the famous styles, there is such a trend as art deco. And what is this? In a nutshell, you can describe it with terms such as refinement and expression. The fact that it is constantly evolving with the times, the style resembles the modern, but otherwise it is completely unique. Art deco will help to make the apartment not so attractive, how much truly original, because it is able to ask a lively and enchanting mood. This interior is good for any room, but frankly, the living room in the Art Deco style always looks unrivaled. Here on this example we will get acquainted with the style in more detail.
Unique features
“In geometric terms, the interior of the art deco-style living room is struck by the complete absence of smooth lines and an abundance of sharp angles, as well as sharp contrast, interspersed with an abstraction in an intricate way”
What is so remarkable art deco? What distinguishes it from other fashionable styles?
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj.jpg)
interior of the living room in the Art Deco style
First of all, in such an interior a lot of expensive accessories, among which is not uncommon and real works of art. The last is present in the original. Copies in art deco are considered mauvais. The decor is full of brilliance and even some glossiness.
If we talk about art deco in a professional language, it is rather a modernism dissolved in Empire style than baroque or kitsch. In certain details, it is eclectic and accommodates elements of several styles at the same time. For example, along with primitive art there is a subtlety of oriental color and even notes of Greek motifs can be seen. In geometric terms, the interior of the Art Deco-style living room impresses with a complete lack of smooth lines and an abundance of sharp angles, as well as sharp contrast, interspersed with an abstraction in an intricate way.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_2.jpg)
design of a rectangular living room with fireplace in Art Deco style
Exotic style adds finishing materials, among which:
- Bamboo.
- Velvet.
- Nacre.
- Coconut.
- Atlas.
- Glass.
- Snake skin.
- Sharkskin.
- Crocodile skin.
- Metal casting.
- Ivory.
round glass table with gold-edged fringing, as an element of the decor of the living room in the Art Deco style
In art deco, round modernistic forms are diluted with abstract sketches, geometric patterns, ethnic elements.
So, the style is easy to learn by the following characteristic features:
- A specific ornament, in the drawing of which can be both ethnic motifs and simply zigzag lines. There are never any floral themes. They are not acceptable in any form, even as a stylistic hint.
- The main theme of art deco is the sun and its rays. It was it that replaced the flowers in the decor of the interiors.
- The geometry of the situation is represented by broken lines, trapezoidal forms, sharp corners.
- In art deco, contrasts are revered. They are often presented in the framework.
- Among the dominant colors – gray, beige, chocolate, black, white, silver. Their companions can be gold, bottle green or maroon.
mirror in the form of the sun – a feature of interiors in the style of art deco
Living room in Art Deco style: nuances of decoration
Color Solutions
Despite the fact that in rooms in the spirit of art deco can see a variety of colors, the interior is always calm. And all because the priority is the white and brown colors, on which the accent line is gold, silver, bronze. The final finishing stroke becomes black. It is able to deepen the interior, to give it graphic character, to divide the surface into clear blocks. This desire to conclude an interior in a black frame came in art deco from the African and colonial style, but this is only perceived in a new vision much more elegant, because the decor uses unusual materials and dominates the quiet colors.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_5.jpg)
The combination of golden and black in the living room, decorated in the Art Deco style
The living room in the original art deco style stands out for its quality. There is no place for negligence in it. Art deco is always refined and perfect in the elaboration of every millimeter.
To make the walls in such a living room can be any materials offered by the modern market. If you want them, paint them with wallpaper, sew them in plastic or hide them under the wooden panels, just paint them. I’m glad that the materials in the design of the room can be combined. The contrast at their transition to each other can be implicit, but it must be strict.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_6.jpg)
olive-colored walls and furniture in the living room art deco
Of wallpaper in the living room is best to use textile options, although suitable and conventional, with a light silky shine. The figure should not prevail over the background, so pronounced ornaments appear in the decor not often. Why? Because the complex furniture framed by too painted walls will transform the noble art deco into kitsch, and after all, we do not need this effect at all.
To decorate the living room in the style of art deco will help cover the walls with moldings. These narrow and fairly long rectangles will add room heights and give the styling.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_7.jpg)
decoration of walls with large paintings in the living room in Art Deco style
Favorit coating for the floors of the living room, performed in the original style, is considered parquet. Of the colors in the priority are dark tones:
- Chestnut.
- Bitter chocolate.
- Dark nuts.
Such a floor will contrast with the light background of the walls and furniture, and the furnishings in the living room will be festive and solemn.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_8.jpg)
parquet in the spacious living room art deco
“For the interior of the living room in the style of art deco, the real decoration will be the surface of the ceiling, imitating the water ripples or the bend of the pen”
In art deco, nothing remains without attention, including the ceiling. It can also be molded or molded into special niches, and not necessarily in the right form. For the interior of the living room in the style of art deco, the real decoration will be the surface of the ceiling, imitating the water ripple or the bend of the pen. It will be nice and located in the center of the ceiling niche of rounded form, from which can hang a cascading chandelier.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_9.jpg)
stretch glossy ceiling in the interior of the living room art deco, made in white
Design Features
Interiors art deco is always a confrontation of geometric shapes, which can actually be considered a visiting card of the direction. The living room, the furnishings of which include strict furniture, are filled with arched openings, in the center of the room there are rounded pouffes or streamlined chairs. The linearity of the design is smoothed out by introducing oval mirrors into the interior. Sometimes the severity of the style is tried to dilute with carved elements and stained glass.
Not to notice the bourgeoisness of art deco is simply impossible, because its interiors simply exude glamor and are filled with well-being. The style does not welcome asceticism and does not cultivate a lonely simplicity. Glitter and gloss appear here not from cheap accessories, but from polished countertops, glass doors, furniture, crystal chandeliers and magnificent mirrors.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_10.jpg)
beautiful chandelier additionally gives the interior of the living room art deco more luxury and chic
The visual heaviness of the living room in the Art Deco style does not prevent the interior from remaining compact. Stylish furniture can not be called light or openwork, but even in the small living room of its items there can be even a lot. Each furniture element in the art deco is designed so that the function and the claimed function, and many places do not take.
In the design of such a living room must certainly appear zigzag-shaped. It can be trapezoidal interior items, Christmas trees, curved lines or color solutions with alternating dark and light strips (something like piano keys).
If only some furniture in such an unusual living room can not be delivered. Since you wanted to have a drawing room in the art deco style, then go to the end and accurately reproduce all of its canons. If you doubt that you can buy exactly what you need, and there is no time to study the stylistic characteristics – trust the selection of the situation to a professional.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_11.jpg)
soft furniture in gray in the interior of the living room art deco
While decorating your living room, do not expose furniture in the usual way – along the walls. Art deco prefers elegant zoning. The space of the room must be divided into subgroups. The plan is to start from the center of the living room. There you can put a coffee table, shining glass top. Around him in the future will be built compositions from the sofa and armchairs.
Despite the theatricality of the situation, the interior of the art deco clearly shows the symmetry of the location of objects and the general balance of the components. This means that, having loaded one part of the living room, you will have to deal with the second one accordingly. It’s not as difficult as it seems. To help come duplicate pieces of furniture, for example, chairs or mini tables on high legs.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_12.jpg)
The original sofa and table of unusual shape add a refined zest to the interior of the living room in the Art Deco style
Aerodynamic forms, filling the interior of the living room in the Art Deco style, inspired by the design of complex mechanisms, and sometimes even cars. This can be clearly seen in the exterior of upholstered furniture. This is not about futurism and hypertrophied proportions, but only about easy smoothing of corners. If you take a pencil and try to draw a sofa or the same chair, then you can easily do this without once removing the pencil from the paper, because in armchairs the armrests are imperceptibly flowing into the legs, and the backs of the sofas seem to be one with the seats.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_13.jpg)
thanks to a mirror, placed over the fireplace, in the living room art deco more light
Inlay in Art Deco
Furniture in art deco should be practical and we already talked about it. Nevertheless, it should not be ascetic. So how do you get out of the situation than decorate the furniture facades so as not to impair practicality? Art deco – the territory of the art of incrustation. Furniture trim with mother of pearl, glass, stones, ivory.
Textiles in the living room
Another important element of the furnishing of the living room in the style of art deco is textiles. For all its “heaviness”, the satin or velvet is plastic and pleasant to the touch, so curtains made of such material will be just perfect for the stylistic solution in question. On the pillows can appear notes ethnics, say something Arab or African. If you want to see a carpet in the decor, then it should be a very soft product, with a long pile. Filling the living room with all these items, you will create in it a stunningly cozy atmosphere.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_14.jpg)
Roman and classic curtains in the living room in Art Deco style
Fireplace in Art Decoration
This decorative element simply begs to become the logical center of the living room. Just imagine his tall, narrow and incredibly elegant portal! However, it is better to install a false fireplace in a city apartment. It can simply be attached to the wall or immersed in a niche. Hang a mirror above the fireplace. It will be very much in the spirit of art deco. You can use a mirror of any size and variety of shapes.
![Living room in Art Deco style](/images/art_deko_v_gostinoj_15.jpg)
accessories in art deco style
Living room in the Art Deco style – this is a special interior, which has many specific features. Its creation will require imagination, so if there is a desire to try its design capabilities, then this style is the best springboard. Try to create a unique living room, where convergence and accustomed to the unusual, beauty and coziness.
Photo gallery – living room in Art Deco style:
Author: Daria Degtyareva
05.05.2023 @ 17:30
French: Depuis presque un siècle maintenant, parmi les styles célèbres, il y a une tendance telle que lart déco. Et quest-ce que cest ? En un mot, on peut le décrire avec des termes tels que le raffinement et lexpression. Le fait quil évolue constamment avec les temps, le style ressemble au moderne, mais sinon il est complètement unique. Lart déco aidera à rendre lappartement non pas si attrayant, mais vraiment original, car il est capable de donner une ambiance vivante et enchanteresse. Cet intérieur convient à nimporte quelle pièce, mais franchement, le salon dans le style Art Déco a toujours lair inégalé. Ici, sur cet exemple, nous allons nous familiariser avec le style plus en détail.
Unique features “En termes géométriques, lintérieur du salon de style art déco est frappé par labsence complète de lignes douces et labondance dangles vifs, ainsi que par un contraste vif, entremêlé dune abstraction de manière complexe”
Quest-ce qui rend lart déco si remarquable ? Quest-ce qui le distingue des autres styles à la mode ?
Intérieur du salon dans le style Art Déco Tout dabord, dans un tel intérieur, il y a beaucoup daccessoires coûteux, parmi lesquels il nest pas rare de trouver de véritables œuvres dart. Le dernier est présent dans loriginal. Les copies en art déco sont considérées comme mauvais goût. Le décor est plein de brillance et même dun certain brillant. Si lon parle dart déco dans un langage professionnel, cest plutôt un modernisme dissous dans le style Empire que du baroque ou du kitsch. Dans certains détails, il est éclectique et accueille des éléments de plusieurs styles en même temps. Par exemple, avec lart primitif, on trouve la subtilité de la couleur orientale et même des notes de motifs grecs peuvent être vues. En termes géomé