It is natural for a person to crave miracles, that’s why, we so often strive to endow the surrounding objects with some useful, healing, and sometimes magical properties. There was no exception in this matter of the unpretentious house plant, the fat woman, whom the people, for some reason, called the money tree and part-time tree of happiness and luck.
The belief says that the plant, somehow, is always aware of the financial situation of the owners and visually demonstrates its appearance. In addition, with the right approach to its cultivation and some other aspects, the money tree can become an energy magnet that attracts material well-being to the house.
Feng Shui tells a lot about the fat woman. There, even painted, where to put a miracle plant, how and what to decorate it, so that the house became a full cup. But we will briefly discuss these points in the following. Now we will return to the issues of caring for a money tree at home, as there will be nothing to do with non-observance of certain rules for watching for financial vicissitudes.
Types of money tree
Tolstyanka comes from the genus Krasul. The appearance of the representatives of the class can be very different, depending on the subspecies. Plants can have not only a tree-like form with a pronounced barrel, in which we are accustomed to seeing a popular money tree. They often resemble a bush or have signs of ground cover and ampel forms.
In the genus, there are even varieties for planting aquariums. But still in our houses are lovingly grown mini-trees with thick, weighed down signs of stiffness, trunk and fleshy oval leaves. We will talk about the specifics of the care of this species today.
The main secrets of proper care
Contain money tree is not particularly difficult. The main thing is not to forget where this plant came from, and to create optimal microclimatic conditions for it. To do this, you need to know when the fat men have active and passive life cycles. The period of growth of the money tree falls on spring-summer, the rest period is autumn-winter.
How to water
Since the money tree is a native of South Africa, it does not like moisture very much. During the period of activity, a thick-skinned woman is watered no more often than twice a week. During the rest – even rarer. Orientation of the need to moisten the earth in the flowerpot should be its condition. The primer should be absolutely dry.
Too dry the ground, too, is not worth it, but still it is less dangerous than the overflow, which is really damaging to the money tree. After watering, no water should remain in the pan, so moisten the soil moderately.
The role of light in the development of plants is very important, but the scorching sun is absolutely contraindicated. An ideal place for placing the pot will be the sill of the window, looking to the southeast. There will be plenty of light, and sun-shining in the morning will not harm the leaves, due to its mild morning activity.
In a warm period, the money tree can be sent to fresh air, for example, put on a balcony, only to put a pot with a plant will be better on the floor, so that the sun does not burn the crown. In winter, the fatty should be moved to the southern window.
Soil and features of top dressing at home
Since the money tree is succulent (cactuses are the most popular among us), then the soil for good growth is needed for it to be turf. In the absence of such a universal primer can be used.
Experienced growers often choose their own soil composition, which includes:
1. 4 parts of soddy soil.
2. 1 part of the sand.
3. 1 part of the leaf earth.
4. 1 part of humus.
At the bottom of the flowerpot it is necessary to equip drainage. With this mission, pieces of coal and brick crumbs will work well. Those who believe in the magical properties of a fat girl, put a few more coins on the bottom of the pot.
To fertilize with the care of plants use either universal fertilizers, or specific, succulent, additives. As in the case of the bulk of plants, nutrients are added after watering. So they are better absorbed.
In the summer period, the money tree is fed about once a month, during the rest – once a couple of months.
Crassula, in principle, does not react much to temperature fluctuations. Despite its southern origin, the plant tolerates a good temperature even at + 6o, but especially in such conditions, a money tree should not be placed. Optimum parameters for it will be + 18о – + 25о. In winter, the regime indicators can be somewhat reduced, to 10-16o. At temperature differences, you need to monitor the appearance of a fat woman, in time to notice the problems with her condition.
Air humidity
In constant spraying a money tree does not need. Its coin-like leaves, it is better to wipe periodically with a damp cloth, thus, removing them from the settled dust
If the humidity characteristics of the fat-skinned are not so important, fresh air access is simply necessary. Take care that when ventilated, the plant does not fall under the draft breezes. It does not like it very much. On warm days a money tree is worth making in the garden or on an open balcony.
The subtleties of the selection of the flowerpot
In the care of a money tree it is very important to choose the “home” for him. An improperly sized vase is not only able to slow the growth of the seedling, but to stop it altogether.
Tolstyanke needs a stable, small height, a wide pot. For its superficial root system this is an ideal option.
Determine the width of the pot will help the crown of the plant. The diameter of the flowerpot should be equal to or slightly higher than its spreading.
The flowering of a money tree is a myth or a reality?
“Those who see a flourishing money tree are guaranteed material profit”
Those who saw the flowering of a fat woman can be classified as lucky. The plant really blooms, but it does it very rarely at home. Buds are small, and the petals of flowers are, more often than not, light in color:
1. White-green.
2. White.
3. White and pink.
Flowers exude a subtle sweet flavor. The flowering period is quite long and can last for several months. Naturally, it falls into the active phase in the life of the plant.
On this occasion, too, there is a belief, akin to stories about ferns. Those who see a flowering money tree, guaranteed a material profit.
The fact that the fat-haired woman rarely blooms even with excellent care at home is a completely scientific explanation. The problem is the lack of daylight: in the tropics, the light day is much longer. So there is no mysticism!
Is it possible to stimulate the flowering of the money tree?
“It was noted that the color of a peasant woman throws out after some kind of stress”
To expect that a fat woman will blossom from excellent care in the first years of life is nonsense. At home, such a miracle can happen no earlier than seven or even ten years. Sometimes flowering does not occur at all, despite all the efforts of the florist, but this is no reason to drop hands.
Start going to your goal with all the recommendations for caring for a money tree growing at home. Learn to recognize the smallest changes in the appearance of plants.
It was noted that the color of a fat girl discards after some kind of stress. Some arrange such situations for the plant intentionally, for a long time, without watering it or organizing an unacceptable temperature regime. The first watering after a dry period and getting into optimal conditions can produce the desired effect and in gratitude for salvation the money tree will blossom. But is the game worth the candle? After all, your talisman can not stand the test and just die, taking with it your hopes for material prosperity.
Monetary tree: transplantation and specificity of reproduction
The time for transplanting a fat woman is spring. Adults should be transplanted annually, in extreme cases, through the season. The purchased seedling can be transferred to a new pot immediately after the end of the adaptation period. His term, usually, is two weeks.
In the pot, selected by size, drain and pour the soil. The sapling of the money tree is “transplanted” into the prepared container together with a lump of soil in the roots, after which the remaining voids are sprinkled with fresh earth. Do everything carefully, trying not to damage the fragile branches and tender leaves of young trees.
In the case when you find rotted pieces of roots during transplantation, you need to get rid of them, carefully cutting them. A healthy part is dried and left to be ventilated for a day, without covering the roots.
How to grow a money tree from scratch
Get a healthy seedling can be from seeds and from cuttings.
Seeds are sown in ordinary clay pots with suitable soil. They do not sow deeply. The pot is covered with a film (can be glass), creating a greenhouse condition. Care consists in regular half-hour airing, which is organized daily, spraying the soil with water, which is carried out as the upper layer dries. Germs will appear in the third week.
Much easier to reproduce the fattened cuttings. They can, bypassing the stage of settling in water, immediately sent to the prepared soil. For rooting, the stalk is deepened by 6 cm. The best period for reproduction is the month of March. It is noted that plants planted at this time have more chances to blossom in the future. Planting the cuttings of the money tree in July significantly reduces the reality of flowering.
Care of the crown
Money tree – a rare representative of domestic plants, the crown of which can be formed into various shapes.
Basically, the owners of fat dogs do not consider it necessary to pinch its shoots, because at home the plant branches not too actively. Their branches are often long, thin and just do not have time to grow lignified. But that’s the problem. The thinned branches are not able to carry the weight of heavy leaves, so they begin to slope downwards and possibly even break off. It happens that the crown overturns the whole pot with its weight, mercilessly breaking the already formed tree. Pinching can prevent unwanted excesses.
Features of formation
The classic form of a fat woman is considered to be a tree. To help the krone to form in such an image, it is necessary to observe several rules. First of all, the money tree must grow in a single pot. Planting several seedlings into one container will lead to the appearance of jungles from weak shoots that will prevent each branch from branching and strengthening. In a solitary tree, it is necessary to pinch the shoots in time, giving the crown the desired shape.
How to properly pinch
The time of pinching occurs when at least four pairs of leaves appear on the branch, and a new kidney is born between the latter. To pull out it is necessary it. Do this with tweezers or nails, by pulling yourself or twisting. This is to someone as convenient. The main task is not to damage nearby leaves. A little time will pass and a few new ones will appear on the site of the removed kidney. This will be an indication that your money tree has started branching. In the case when the kidney appeared in the singular, the procedure of pinching is repeated.
It is very important to conduct the pinching procedure at the specified level. Having done this below, you will make the branches grow in cramped space, letting the branches grow higher – let them become thin and overloaded with foliage. In the latter case, the shoot will need to be shortened, breaking off or cutting off the upper part. The place of the cut is sprinkled with an antiseptic, which can be rastolchenny activated carbon or powdered cinnamon. You can not use wire in the care of a money tree at the stage of crown formation.
Begin to give the plant a planned configuration from the first months of life. You can also form a crown from a fully grown plant. However, in this case it is necessary to remove pieces of branches. After such procedures, not very attractive hemp will remain, so it is better to work on the plant crown while it is still young.
Do I need to form a barrel?
This part of the money tree does not need your care. There are leaves on the village trunk, a fat woman will be needed until a certain time, so do not rush to remove them. In the future, she will dump them on her own, and the trunk will acquire a magnificent appearance.
Disease of a money tree
A plant, even when at home and having a wonderful care, can be affected by disastrous diseases.
Most often, flower growers are alarmed by the appearance of an altered color of the leaves, which darken and fall off. This is evidence of fungal damage to the plant. Similar symptoms will appear also when watering a fat woman with too cold water. The appearance of brown spots on the leaf surface indicates a lack of moisture.
Rot at the base of the trunk is a terrible signal. This is a clear indication of the blossoming rotting of roots, the cause of which is an excess of moisture. To save the money tree will have to take radical measures – to cut off the top and grow the plant again.
Often the pestilence settles pests. They are impressed by the juicy leaves of the plant. Most often the money tree is chosen by mealybug and spider mites. The fight against them is conducted by generally accepted means. You can remove the places of their nesting with alcohol wool or insecticides, suitable for processing succulents.
Interesting facts about the money tree
The birthplace of a fat woman is not only the south of Africa, it grows in Madagascar and in some parts of Australia.
The age of the plant can be determined by the state of its trunk and crown. The older it is, the more pronounced the stiffness and the more spread out the tip.
A lot of legends and prejudices are connected with the money tree. They say that if you want to get rich – you must always get a fat woman in the house and take care of her, like a child, grooming and cherishing. Help to improve the welfare of coins, buried under the roots of the seedling.
They say that the tree knows how to predict not only the forthcoming profits, but also those who are waiting for the problem. Indicator is the leaves, which frown and fall off on the eve of the crisis and are pleased with the gloss of surfaces in good times.
Money tree is considered an energy treasury. It is interconnected with the host and, with the illness of the latter, begins to accumulate negative energy on oneself. The plant withers, discards the foliage, but it is only necessary for a person to recover, as a tree will immediately perk up and come to life. So the good appearance of a fat woman is also evidence of the excellent health of the household.
There is also information that the money tree is a filter plant. It purifies, filtering through its leaves, air and absorbs unpleasant odors. Maybe that’s why the money tree is most often found on the kitchen sill.
Has a plant and medicinal qualities. In folk medicine it is considered a powerful antiviral agent. He has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The money tree on these issues is quite competitive with aloe and the popular Kalanchoe. You want to experience the healing power of the money tree leaves – please, just do not try to take them inside. Restrict to outdoor procedures. The fact is that in the composition of the juice and pulp of the leaves there are arsenic compounds, which excludes the internal reception.
What can I get rid of by treating myself with a money tree?
First of all – from fungal lesions, ingrown nails and calluses. Among the healers, the fat-skinned are known as the corn picker. For healing, you need to remove the upper layer from the leaf, apply the exposed flesh to the affected area and fix everything with adhesive tape.
Treat compresses from mulberry gruel arthrosis and arthritis. With the help of leaf juice, the effects of bites of mosquitoes and mosquitoes are quickly removed. Their places are lubricated several times a day.
Compositions of fat women are applied to the wound, cuts, abscesses, scratches. The substances present in leaf juice contribute to the disinfection of wounds and accelerate the regeneration of tissues.
The same magic juice will help quickly get rid of such trouble as herpes. Rashes are often lubricated, every half hour, making sure that the solution does not get on the mucous membrane of the mouth.
Compresses from ground leaves are used in the treatment of bruises, sprains of ligaments and muscles. They relieve local inflammation and reduce pain.
Angina and other diseases of the throat can be treated with a specific aqueous solution, which is prepared from 10 leaves of a fatty woman and a glass of water. Squeezed juice is dissolved in the liquid and rinse the throat several times.
As already mentioned, the internal use of a fat woman is dangerous, but in exceptional cases this method is still used. With water infusions, complex stomach and duodenum ulcers are treated. Filled with boiling water leaves for about an hour, decant the infusion and use before each meal its tablespoon.
As you can see, there are many reasons for starting a money tree in the house. Someone will add health, someone – material wealth, and those who do not believe in mysticism will bring simply aesthetic pleasure, rewarding with a magnificent view for caring care.
Photo gallery – money tree
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 18:49
Естественно, что человек жаждет чудес, поэтому мы так часто стремимся наделить окружающие объекты полезными, целебными и иногда магическими свойствами. Не было исключения в этом вопросе для непритязательного комнатного растения, толстянки, которую люди по какой-то причине называют денежным деревом и одновременно деревом счастья и удачи. Верят, что растение каким-то образом всегда осведомлено о финансовом положении владельцев и визуально демонстрирует свой вид. Кроме того, с правильным подходом к его выращиванию и некоторыми другими аспектами, денежное дерево может стать энергетическим магнитом, притягивающим материальное благополучие в дом. В фэн-шуй много говорится о толстянке. Там даже изображено, куда ставить чудесное растение, как и чем украшать его, чтобы дом стал полным кубком. Но мы кратко обсудим эти моменты в следующем. Сейчас мы вернемся к вопросам ухода за денежным деревом дома, так как невыполнение определенных правил по наблюдению за финансовыми колебаниями ни к чему не приведет.
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