Office – a multifunctional object. He is entrusted with many business tasks and hopes, therefore, a corresponding environment must be created.
The fact that office interior design should be impressive, in principle, is known to any leader, because it has long been proven that customers are beginning to form an opinion about the company, barely stepping over the office threshold. The secret remains the question: how to equip the space, so that it would work for the image of the business with every centimeter?
Modern layout of office space
“The layout and design of a modern office should focus not only on presentability, but also on coziness”
Correctly designed office will be pleased with the aesthetics of the working space, which will contribute to the dedicated work of employees and loyalty of the perception of potential customers. A unique interior will tell you on what kind of activities the company specializes and proanonsiruet features of business style.

The interior of the office may reflect the specialization of the organization
So, where does the organization of office space begin? First of all, with the understanding that it should take into account the interests of three categories of people:
1. Workers.
2. Manuals.
3. Customers.
All these zones can be designed in a single style, but with an individual approach to the design of each. And to mix these spaces is strongly discouraged, as this will disrupt the cycle of work, which in turn will affect the success of the enterprise as a whole.

Zoning office space
The layout and design of a modern office should focus not only on presentability, but also on coziness. What methods can you associate a workplace with a “second home”? There is no special complexity here. It is enough to take care of employees, and in addition to the conference hall, reception and thoughtfully arranged workplace, organize:
- place of emotional unloading;
- a wardroom serving as a kitchen-dining room (in the absence of a cafeteria in the building).

Place of emotional discharge for employees
You can please the top managers with separate offices.
Planning issues for office space are solved at the design stage.
What is the answer?
The presentation zone should familiarize customers with the activities of the company and its corporate values. A person should have a purely positive emotion in relation to this issue. To make the situation memorable, in the design of the office for this part do not use partitions and the usual racks. The role of barriers will perfectly be able to perform overall plants in tubs and streamlined tables. It is necessary to take care of the comfort of visitors and create a cozy waiting corner, having furnished it with comfortable upholstered furniture.

Presentation area of the office
Conference hall
The meeting room should accommodate a large number of participants. The design of her interior in the office is distinguished by elegant rigor. Here, nothing should distract from the issues under consideration. The center of the interior composition will be the meeting table. This piece of furniture in the office must be of respectable design and large dimensions. It is desirable that the design does not have angles. This will exclude the possibility of dominance of someone who talks to them, which is quite possible at a traditionally rectangular table.

The design of the conference hall should not distract from the issues under consideration
The chief’s office
Since business etiquette allows the leader to receive VIPs not in the conference hall, but in his own office, then in his planning it is necessary to provide a corner where there would be an opportunity to talk “on equal terms”. Take important customers sitting at your desk, even a luxurious view, – Moveton.

In the director’s office, provide a place for meeting customers
Zone of emotional unloading
The arrangement of this part in the design of the office must be approached with special sincerity. There must be soft furniture, a coffee table, a nice decor. You can interpret the site as a winter garden and even equip it with a system of waterfalls. The sound of running water is very helpful in relieving tension.

Rest zone in the interior of the office
Ordinary employees in the planning of office space are increasingly placed on a common area, rather than seated in separate rooms. It’s good from all sides. First of all, space is saved, and staff interaction is optimized.

Accommodation of employees in a common area
To exclude the temptation to conduct idle talks, delimiters of personal zones are introduced, in the role of which can act as pieces of furniture in the office, and:
- partitions;
- screens;
- jalousie;
- sliding panels.

Zoning jobs with partitions
The interior design of the office in this part should be extremely laconic, and the workplace itself is comfortably organized. It should not be too spacious nor too tight. Office psychology insists on maintaining standards. Tightness provokes a tense atmosphere in the team.
Psychological background of the question
In the case of the design of the office, the spatial organization is based on the adaptive moments of creating interiors, adjusting the situation to the needs and characteristics of the particular person. These issues are handled by a separate branch of science, called psychodiscus. It is proved that the surrounding atmosphere directly affects human reactions. It can adjust to success or induce to relaxation, to stimulate or depress the desire to work, to make forget about vital problems or fixate on them and even influence the sales volume.

The interior design of the office can set the workers to success
The application of the findings of psychodiscovery in the organization of office space is more than justified, especially if it concerns the design of a modern office, where everyone works in one room and in close contact with each other. It is always an author’s approach, where the personality and its life space are represented by a single whole. An educated holistic system has the property of evolving, and doing it according to specific rules. If the workplace is organized in such a way that all the laws are taken into account and traceable, then one can expect great things from the worker.
Variants of organization of office space
Office is not for nothing called the think tank of the enterprise. It is from here that brilliant ideas and solutions come, but they will be those only on the condition that office work goes in an optimally organized space. Today there are three variants of their registration:
- in the American style,
- European style,
- Japanese style.
Open Spase
Open offices on the American type appeared not long ago, but already managed to gain popularity and quite actively replace the usual system of cabinets. The principle of its organization implies the presence of all employees, including the management team, in one spacious hall. No doors, interior walls and corridors. The interior design of the office actively uses mobile and transformable partitions. With their help, the personal space of each employee is highlighted.

American office interior design
Another interior feature of the American version is minimalism in furnishing. There is no decor in the room, except logos and company attributes. The overall design of the office is often kept in characteristic brand shades.

Minimalism – a distinctive feature of the style Open Spase
The office of the manager rarely has a different finish from the overall, but is made more isolated. When planning the office space, this part can be allocated to a separate office or securely fenced off from the rest of the area, for example, by hiding behind blinds.

The office of the head is made separate
This approach to the organization of office space allows you to provide optimal air conditioning and lighting in the office. Plus, people focused on solving certain tasks can freely discuss working moments.
Employees are not always seated at separate tables. Sometimes their workplace becomes one table. This furniture in offices can have the most unpredictable configuration. Storage systems represent modules. The rest of the furnishings are also light and mobile. Examples of such interiors can be seen in banks.

Modular storage for the office
European office version
This is also an open plan, but with one difference. There is an abundance of isolated spaces organized in an office type. In the layout of the office space there are various premises, including a meeting room, a rest room, and structural subdivisions. For the design of a modern office of European type choose the appropriate interior solutions in the spirit of high-tech, minimalism, futurism.

European interior design of the office
For the office interior decor is not alien. A characteristic feature of the European-organized space is the engraving of the doors and the reception counter, as well as the presence of monofunctional and ergonomic furniture in the office.
For a minimalist interior design office is not characterized by contrasting solutions, but the clarity of lines and forms in favor.

Minimalistic design in high-tech style
In hi-tech there is a lot of glass and metal. As a decoration, walls can be painted in the form of parallel lines, combined with some details of the corporate style.
But minimalism, though, shuns any decor, but it will make it possible to experiment with the soul with the color design of the office.

With the color design of the office, you can experiment
Japanese version
The Japanese radically differ in their approach to the organization of office space. Its design is entirely based on hierarchical principles. However, this specific vision of the interior does not prevent it from remaining highly functional. In this case, the area of the work space is directly proportional to the position occupied by the employee. The steering link is located in the center of the hall. Its representatives always sit facing the subordinates. To fully control employees in the design of a modern office, there is no provision for any separation of personal space using partitions.

Office of a Japanese company
You can not discount and several other possibilities for planning office space. Although they are not at the peak of popularity, nevertheless, they exist and are also in demand in certain areas of activity.
Cabinet system
A classic version of the organization of office space. And today in this form are medical institutions, legal offices, consulting firms. The closed space creates a trusting atmosphere, provides an opportunity to chat in silence and without extra eyes, in complete confidentiality. These things are sometimes so important that they compensate for the shortcomings of this kind of office design.

Office with an office system
Despite the individuality of the spaces, they are formalized within the office in a single stylistic and color solution. It is allowed to add accessories that emphasize the specifics of the firm’s specialization.
Mixed layout
Too urgent for today. With such an organization of office space, an open plan is combined with an office system. The area of the offices is not always limited to blind walls. In the case where confidentiality is not very important, it is possible to limit oneself to glass partitions. Thus, it will be possible to solve the noise problem without isolating the employee from the rest of the team.

Mixed Office Space Layout
An interesting variant of the mixed layout of the office space is also interesting, where the area is divided into separate working cells rather high, but not reaching the ceiling partitions. They are called cubes. Employees get a coveted sense of solitude and work with greater dedication, while there is nothing to control them.

Cubicles will create a sense of privacy
Color in the design of a modern office
The color of interior decoration in such specific purposes as offices is incredibly important. The person perceives in different ways every shade and involuntarily reacts to what he has seen. A lot has been said about the psychology of color. There are spectra of irritating action, exciting or relaxing, so to improve the efficiency of the staff and create a calm atmosphere that does not conflict, it is necessary to choose the right color design of the office interior. Here there are many subtleties and nuances.

Pastel colors create a calm atmosphere
So. The background color in the design of the office should be pastel. These tones are easy and neutral. To avoid dullness in the environment will help the introduction of colorful accents. But add brightness is very metered, so as not to overload the space and instead of concentrating do not cause people to apathy and inattention.

The introduction of colorful accents will refresh the interior
The second aspect, which certainly attracts attention, is the layout of windows in the layout of the office space. If they look to the north, it will be a good idea to “warm” the premises and compensate for the lack of sunlight in the office, decorating it in herbal, lilac, peach, cream and other warm colors. In the sun-flooded space opposite, representatives of the “cold” spectra will be popular. In favor of a variety of blue, especially azure and amethyst.

Herbal colors compensate for the lack of sunlight
The choice of the background solution will also be influenced by the size of the office space. Small spaces will have to be visually expanded. With this task, the blue color and the shades of light green will marvelously cope. In spacious rooms, the task is exactly the opposite. The interior design of the office must be filled with comfort, so it will have to work terracotta paints and representatives of the brown palette.

The shades of light green will visually increase the space
Office design should be performed rhythmically, so you can use the method of increasing the color intensity of the background. Depth shades are added as far as distance from the entrance. This subconsciously helps customers to navigate in space and move in the right direction.
Lighting in the office
“In the design of modern offices, virtually abandoned the central lighting in favor of local”
The working area of the room can be quite large. The layout of the office space also differs; therefore, it is not always possible to fulfill the staff placement rule, according to which they must be located no further than four meters from the windows. This means that the interior design of the office should provide adequate artificial lighting. Typically, this is a multi-level system that involves the use of lamps of varying intensity.

Lighting workplaces in the office
In the organization of office space there are certain canons. So you can never send a stream of bright light directly to the worker. This will affect both health and psycho-emotional mood. A completely different effect gives bright illumination directly to the working surface. This serves as a stimulus to concentrated work. By and large, bright lighting in the office is required for paperwork. For a person sitting at a computer, it will be completely superfluous. It is better to arrange a soft light.

To work at a computer you need soft light
In the design of modern offices, virtually abandoned the central lighting in favor of local. For example, to illuminate the working surface area, you can use a table lamp, directional light devices, special design office floor lamps. In the priority and highlighting of furniture in the office. For its organization, both point lights and LED ribbons are suitable.

Local lighting with table lamps
Furniture in the office
Adequate organization of office space requires ergonomic design and reliable furniture design. Particular attention in choosing items of furniture is given not only to the quality of fasteners and fittings, but also the environmental friendliness of materials. Of the required elements in the interior design of the office should appear:
1. Tables. This is not only jobs, but elements of the furnishing of meeting rooms, the office of the chief, kitchen, waiting and rest areas.
2. Seats, such as comfortable chairs and comfortable chairs. In the relaxation zones, they can be replaced by soft corners

Comfortable chairs for comfortable work
3. Storage systems. More often on their role take racks, though, if there is room for capacious cabinets, you do not need to abandon them.
4. Floor stands. In their boxes, employees will be able to store stationery and personal belongings.

Floor stands for storage of office supplies
Finding stylish furniture in a large office can be difficult. Ordering it as an individual performance is expensive. That is why most managers furnish the premises with ready-made sets of standard design.
Ideally, use mobile furniture, which is equipped with wheels. This will, if necessary, quickly move the object or put it in an easy-to-use position. In the design of a modern office there must be modern chairs. It is advisable to choose dynamic models, where it is possible to adjust the height of the seat, adjusting the angle of inclination of the back, rotation and movement.

Office furniture on wheels if necessary, you can quickly move
There are advantages to new models of office tables. In addition, they are ready to hide the wires of communications, which is very important for the interior design of the office, tables can be transformed. Behind them you can work not only sitting, but also standing up. Models for meeting rooms from one large design instantly are converted into several compact tables for group trainings.

Practical table-transformer for the office
Cabinets can be modular in design, which will make it more convenient to use them as document storage systems. It is desirable that models have security locks.
If desired, from the large-sized pieces of furniture in the office, you can create a kind of spatial composition
Smart glass in the design of a modern office
This element in the office space easily solves the problem of publicity and confidentiality. Such partitions are not just aesthetic, they are also functional. Glass walls easily pass light, eliminate excessive vanity and uniquely solve the problem of constant looking into the office in order to clarify whether an employee is free or busy.

Smart glass solves the problem of publicity and privacy
The possibility of adjusting the degree of transparency of the smart glass makes it possible to transform the meeting rooms from socially open zones into a private area.
Stylistic design of the office
In principle, the office space can be represented in any stylistic decision. Many firms prefer to appear before consumers in a classical form, the interior of which is solid and strict. Traditionally, office styles are also considered art deco, modern, empire. All elements in the interior design of such an office are subject to the rules of conservatism. Furniture is expensive and elegant, and the background decoration successfully emphasizes the luxury of the situation.

Office interior design in Art Nouveau style
Everything is completely different in the design of modern offices. There is no place for pomposity and monumentality. The ideal solution is the loft. Equally popular is the style of fusion and minimalist trends, in particular high-tech.

Office interior in popular loft style
How to get a modern office inexpensively
Sometimes, at the first steps, a fragile business can not afford a chic office design, and then a trendy loft will come to the rescue. For this style of design is quite suitable cheap areas of factory shops and warehouses. Pipes of communications, concrete floors, bare brickwork of walls – this is already half of the finished interior design of the office. Nothing has to be corrected. Remains only a few to ennoble the situation, playing on the contrasts of the old and the new. You can fill the space with retro furniture or decorate it with hi-tech objects, reviving the atmosphere with the shine of chrome and glass. High ceilings, open planings and giant, unfinished windows – all this encourages minimalism in the purchase of furniture in the office, which is also good in terms of savings.

Inexpensive office finishing in a modern style
The absence of stationary zoning of space will rally the collective, make employees at any time accessible to the exchange of information. As a result, time will be saved to clarify important issues, since the need for fermentation in the cabinets has been eliminated from the beginning.

A common workspace will rally the collective
As decorative fillings in the design of a modern office of this type are specific for the production of posters, road signs, a variety of indexes, elements of graffiti and works of abstractionists. However, all this should be in moderation.

Graffiti as a decorative element of the office
Do not forget that the stylistic brutality – a thing faked. In reality, all surfaces and objects must undergo polishing and be covered with a protective layer of varnish, in order to preserve the effect of identity. This is what makes the office interior design so awkward at first glance so cozy and comfortable for work. The color scheme of the loft environment is very attractive for clients, so there will be no shortage of visitors. “Unshaven” of the premises will rather intrigue them, rather than scare them away.

Loft style is very attractive for customers
Summing up, we should once again dwell on the fact that a successful interior design of the office should not only give rise to a highly functional, aesthetically designed space. The room should be reigned with an appropriate atmosphere, providing a comfortable microclimate for the team and visitors. Remember that only one employee works well, who feels at work as if at home.
Photo gallery – interior design of the office
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 18:17
f a zone for emotional unloading is an important aspect of office interior design. This area should be designed in a way that allows employees to relax and recharge during their breaks. A comfortable and cozy kitchen-dining room can serve as a perfect place for this purpose. It is also important to provide a separate space for employees to take a break from work and engage in activities that help them relieve stress. Overall, a well-designed office space can contribute to the success of a business by creating a positive image and promoting productivity and employee satisfaction.