Using stretch ceilings for the bedroom allows you to accurately align the surface, as well as forget about the divorces and cracks.

Even the best quality plasterboard plasterboard is not ideal, because the presence of unevenness will be seen. But all the care of the stretch ceiling is a sponge rub. The impact of light does not lead to its burning out, and its service life can reach three decades, during which it does not need any painting, or in other additional repairs. It is impossible not to mention the protective function of the suspended ceiling – it is able to withstand the load of 100 liters of water, so that flooding from the neighbors from the top does not harm your interior and flooring.

Advantages of stretch ceilings

If the finishing of the bedroom ceiling will be carried out with the help of tensioning cloths, then one can distinguish such advantages of this choice:

  • Good thermal insulation characteristics of PVC film provide a favorable microclimate in the bedroom, as there are no large heat losses.
stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Stretch ceiling has good thermal insulation properties

  • The presence of an air layer, the formation of which takes place in a niche between the main ceiling and the film, makes it possible to obtain high-quality sound insulation. All the noise from the neighbors from above will be extinguished in this airspace, so nothing will interfere with your rest.
stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Stretch ceiling will provide good sound insulation in the bedroom

  • A wide range of varieties of stretch ceilings for the bedroom allows you to choose the type most preferable for your comfort. Simulations of other materials have become quite widespread at the present time. Such ceilings can imitate leather, fabric, matte or glossy surface, starry sky, etc., resulting in even a simple room can become a really comfortable paradise.
stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Stretch ceiling, imitating the starry sky

  • One can not fail to note another advantage, represented by the possibility of using spot lighting during the arrangement of such ceilings. In this case, any type of lighting will be suitable for installation – from halogen lamps or LED strips to crystal chandeliers. In the bedroom we are most often in the dark, so the lighting should be thought out in such a way as to provide comfortable conditions for the person, contributing to a quiet rest.

How to choose the type of ceiling

During the process of choosing stretch ceilings for a bedroom, you need to pay attention to several important things: the quality of the material and its environmental safety for all members of the family. In the process of manufacturing modern ceiling fabrics natural materials are used, but still the best quality is French or German products.

Also, you should carefully consider the color of the canvas. If this bedroom, it is recommended to give preference to warm pastel shades: yellow, cream or pearly.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

For the bedroom, give preference to the ceiling of warm shades

Based on what kind of appearance of the ceiling will be most preferable for you, you need to choose the type of canvas. Currently, you can choose from matte, glossy or satin canvases. The first are canvases with roughnesses. When using similar stretch ceilings, they will look like a simply painted ceiling.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Matt stretch ceiling

The main difference between glossy cloths is the ability to reflect light, as well as changing colors at different viewing angles. Satin’s same cloths are outwardly similar to matte, have the ability to diffuse light, but do not shine at the same time.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Glossy stretch ceiling

How to choose between glossy, satin and matt canvas?

Technical and operational properties of stretch ceilings can be divided into matte, satin and gloss. Each of these species is strong, durable, and they do not allow water to pass through. Therefore, choosing between them, it is necessary to start first of all on which option will be most preferable during the formation of a holistic image of the sleeping room.


Such ceilings also have one more name – they are called lacquer. They are represented by a smooth cloth, which has a pronounced mirror effect. The reflection coefficient of such a surface is high enough, and can reach even 90%, so the light reflectance effect, formed on such ceilings, contributes to the visual expansion of space. For small rooms with a low ceiling, the use of this type of surface will remove the “pressure” from above. But the presence of a diverse palette helps in the implementation of any innovative projects.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Glossy stretch ceiling for bedroom


This option will be most suitable for those who are not ready to experiment, and prefers the classical style. The roughness of such a surface may suggest that in front of you a normal painted or whitened ceiling. The lack of a reflective effect allows such a ceiling to muffle bright colors, suppress unnecessary gleams, resulting in a feeling of comfort and comfort in the bedroom. In addition, the most appropriate for the bedroom will be noble shades, which cause relaxation and pacification.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Matt stretch ceiling for bedroom

It can not be said that the stretch matte ceilings for the bedroom will attract a lot of attention, but they can not only emphasize the advantages of the interior, but also hide its shortcomings. Also, it is the matt type of the surface for stretch ceilings that will be most advantageous for the price.


This type is a combination of the main advantages that are characteristic for matte and glossy ceilings. In appearance, such surfaces are perfectly even with a classical color, but still look a little richer than matte ones. In addition, such a surface is reflective, but it does not form sharp reflections. Stretch satin ceilings for the bedroom can serve as an excellent complement to the interior, because they combine silky gloss and perfectly flat surface.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Satin stretch ceiling for bedroom

Such ceilings can be used during the arrangement of not only classical, but also modern design, and its main highlight is that different rays of light give it a different visual color.

How to choose the color and design of stretch ceilings for a bedroom

Currently, while choosing the color of the ceiling in the bedroom, white color is no longer the only alternative – you will not be surprised by the experiments with flowers. However, even people who are attracted to the classical style, it is recommended to think about adding color inserts or a multicolored mosaic. Very impressive will be the ceiling, the color of which will continue the color of the brightly painted adjoining wall. But the rest of the walls can be painted with more restrained colors – cream, white or light yellow.

We will become acquainted with the most popular color solutions:

The green tones of the glossy surface will shimmer when light rays hit, resulting in a slight discoloration. Also, do not forget that the green color symbolizes tranquility, calmness, so it is allowed as a monophonic decoration of the ceiling with this color, and combining it with other shades.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Green stretch ceiling for bedroom

If during the design of the room you preferred a light shade of wallpaper, then the ideal option would be to use stretch ceilings for the bedroom of blue gloss in the design. The maximum harmony at the same time will be achieved if the interior is complemented by similar parts in color – pillows, lamps, etc.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

The stretch ceiling of blue color is supplemented with textiles in tone

For those who want to revitalize the beige shade of the ceiling, it is recommended to use bright inserts. The use of a pure beige color is typical for bedrooms made in the classical style.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Beige stretch ceiling for a bedroom in a classic style

As for dark tones, they will most likely look on a glossy surface, which is achieved by the effect of transfusion of such a cloth and reflection of light. However, do not completely exclude the use and matte dark canvas, which is characterized by its own mysterious sophistication.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Dark stretch ceiling in the bedroom

If the design of stretch ceilings in your bedroom is multi-tier, then the color of the main coating can be selected in yellow, and for its dilution use white or sand paste.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Stretch ceiling yellow in the bedroom

Young couples who consider the bedroom primarily as a place of amorous entertainment, rather than a recreation area, can choose a bold red color stretch ceiling.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Bright red stretch ceiling for bedroom

Selection of lighting for stretch ceilings

“Fans of an intimate romantic atmosphere can use the” starry sky “system in the design of stretch ceilings for a bedroom”

There is a drawback for stretch ceilings: after installing it, fixing something on it becomes almost impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the design and choice of lighting for a bedroom before the ceiling is installed.

If the lighting is selected correctly, it will give an opportunity to visually adjust our perception of the bedroom. If you place a narrow LED strip around its entire perimeter, the ceiling will seem to be higher, but the visual extension of the room is possible due to the longitudinal arrangement of the fixtures.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

With lighting, you can adjust the bedroom space

Considering the translucence of the glossy ceiling, it is allowed to develop complex light structures, some of which will be “sewn up” inside the ceiling.

Given the sensitivity of PVC ceilings to temperature, it is better to use energy-saving or LED lamps. Do not choose incandescent bulbs with a power higher than 60W, as well as halogen lamps with a power higher than 35W. During the selection of the chandelier, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of the ceiling to the ceiling itself, because as a result of the release of heat from them, the film may deform. Therefore, the ceiling should be from the ceiling at a distance of more than 25 cm.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

For suspended ceilings, LED lighting is recommended

Those who like to watch TV before going to bed can install a concealed hidden backlighting – this will achieve a normal level of illumination even if the main light sources are turned off.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Zakarniznaya lighting tension ceiling in the bedroom

Fans of intimate romantic atmosphere can use the “starry sky” system in the design of stretch ceilings for the bedroom.

If the color of suspended ceilings is dark, then the use of side lighting is recommended.
It is also important not to use a light source close to the drawings, since it will be “blocked” by such lighting.

Design solutions for stretch ceilings for bedrooms

“In the design of bedrooms with stretch ceilings often apply the effect of diffuse light”

To design the stretch ceiling can be used in different ways. Most often a preference is given to a monophonic canvas, but its edges can be diluted with the help of patterns and patterns. No less effective is typical for a multi-level ceiling, which makes it possible to correct the irregular shape of the room.

If the shape of the room is correct, then it will be sufficient to have a single-tier stretch ceiling, for which you can use the built-in lights that allocate the bed area. In the case of its installation next to the window, from the lamps you can refuse, replacing them located in the middle of the ceiling chandelier. But the zonal lighting in this case will be carried out with the help of the sconces located near the bed.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

One-story stretch ceiling in the bedroom

If we talk about color design, then it affects the overall design of the room. Bright wallpaper should be supplemented with a monophonic light ceiling, but the walls in calm colors diluted with interesting colors of the ceiling.

If the ceiling of the bedroom is sufficiently high, then for its decoration can be used multi-tiered structures. In the large rooms for the ceilings, several colored canvases can be used, so that a zone delineation is achieved. No less original solution will be the use of an inclined tension ceiling, which will make it possible to achieve a visual extension of the room.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Multi-story stretch ceiling for the bedroom

Using several tiers of stretch ceilings for the bedroom also allows you to achieve an original design. For their installation, multi-level building profiles can be used. If the gypsum board construction is used, then in the future it is also made using a ceiling cloth. The design of different levels of the canvas can be non-standard. If you prefer classics, then the most profitable solution is rectangular transitions, which are performed at an angle of 90 degrees or with a gradual transition between levels.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Design multi-level stretch ceiling in the bedroom

Also often in the design of bedrooms with stretch ceilings, the effect of diffused light is applied. It is realized through the use of matte or satin cloths, and well thought out lighting. An excellent solution in this case is the choice of LED lighting or symmetrically installed spotlights. In addition, it will not be superfluous to install the main light source – chandeliers, for the addition of which can be used wall or ceiling lamps.

stretch ceilings for the bedroom

Organization of scattered light on stretch ceilings


The use of any stretch ceiling cover accentuates the overall decor, in addition, it can be used as a monochrome background, on which other finishing elements will look in a favorable light. During the selection of invoices it is necessary to build on the functionality of the premises and not forget that the main task of the bedroom is to provide quality rest without negative emotions.

Photo gallery – stretch ceilings for the bedroom


Author: Mikhail Bond