Photos … They store the most interesting moments of our life. How to save the pictures themselves? It is best to enclose them in a frame and put them in a prominent place.
But unusual and suitable for the stylistic design of the room accessories can cost a lot of money. Yes, and find a truly exclusive model of the frame, most likely, it will not be easy. Can a photo frame be assembled by myself?
Certainly! And from the most incredible materials. And be sure, such a thing will not lie on the shelf, it will be put on public display.
Where to begin
Like any business, the collection of frames for a photo begins with the choice of consumables and manufacturing techniques. As shown by master classes, photo frames most often do:
- from a tree,
- all kinds of paper,
- cardboard.

Wooden photo frame by own hands
But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Fantasy craftsmen is boundless, and photo frame made of paper for them a long-gone stage. They work literally with everything that falls under their hands:
- plastic;
- polystyrene foam;
- matchboxes;
- with pencils;
- cd-disks;
- straw;
- twigs;
- tissues;
- test.

Photo frame made of pencils
Let’s try to understand the intricacies of making the most interesting variants.
Photo frames made of cardboard
The dense material will allow to collect a sufficiently strong frame for the image. It can be not only hung on the wall, but also put on a shelf or desk.
The technique of assembling a photo frame with your own hands is simple. It is necessary to cut out two details in size a little more than the picture planned for framing. In the standard case, the frame is made in a rectangular shape, but if desired, you can experiment. In one of the rectangles, the central part is cut out so that at the edges there are strips of width not less than 4 cm. If the accessory is to be fastened to the wall, then from the rear it will be necessary to glue a loop from a string or thin tape. How to make a support leg near the photo frame made of cardboard, you can see on the Internet.

Details of photo frame made of cardboard
We collect the construction on the glue, after which it will only be necessary to decorate the result. Simply dyed cardboard will look sad. Since this template differs from the photo frame from paper strength, then decorate it can be any attractive way. Do the appliqué by cutting out the blanks from the colored paper, or cover them with scraps from the wrapping wrap. In the latter case, the cardboard base will not need additional decor. On top of a rather beautiful drawing, it will look a bit lame and spoil the impression of an unusual photo frame.

Paste the frame with beautiful wrapping paper
It happens that the finishing paper has a magnificent texture and a completely ridiculous color. Do not hurry to put it aside. Just repaint the material in a nice shade, and use it safely to realize the idea.
Is the house full of old cards? Excellent! Look at the master class for quilling the photo frame. The idea is sure to please you.

Photo frame decor in quilling technique
Decorate the workpiece and can be colored paper napkins. They are cut into squares, crushed into loose lumps and fixed on a cardboard basis. Such a beauty of work will not make even the most distant from creativity.

Decorate the frame can be colored paper napkins
To decorate the photo frame from the handy materials suitable paillettes and beads, brooches and coins, buttons and the remains of old puzzles. It can be sewed with a cloth, tied, threaded. Felt, guipure, lace, satin, velor – the list can be continued indefinitely. There is always a way to attach what’s in the bins to the case.

Decorating a photo frame with buttons
Photo frame made of paper
There is a desire to do needlework, but there are no ideas from which to materialize a dream? Look around you. Surely there are remnants of wallpaper from the repair in the house. From them you can build a magnificent volumetric frame under the photo.
Do you know the art of origami? Then you are able to make even more complex versions of products that are assembled from several sections. To such an exciting occupation is to attract children. Arrange them a home master class for creating photo frames. For origami, you can take the plainest paper and later decorate it at your discretion.

Photo frame – origami
Is there nothing in the house except newspapers? But they too can be fully used. By the way, from such material the most unusual are created photo frames. Work with newspapers can be a variety of techniques. For example, they can be folded into tubes, from which the frames for photographs will then be interlaced.

Photo frame from newspaper tubes
Photo frame with your own hands made of wood
“Those who are familiar with the process of weaving can easily create photo frames from such materials as vines and bars”
Also great material for handmade. It is easiest to assemble a frame under a photo of twigs and twigs. To fix the elements in one piece use an organza or not too thick rope. If you want to make the construction as reliable as possible, you can additionally glue the parts with an adhesive gun. To preserve the natural texture of the material, the product should be opened with a colorless varnish.

Photo frame from twigs
Those who are familiar with the process of weaving can easily create photo frames from such materials as vines and rods. Use willow branches, reeds, willow. Do not throw away the chopsticks. They too can become a framework.

Eskimo sticks can become the basis of the framework
Unusual photo frames: decor ideas
Do you know that a photo frame made from improvised materials is a multifunctional item? This is not just a stand for a successful shot: it can be used as an element of interior decoration, not simple, but accentual. If the assembled photo frame seems boring and too unpretentious, try to refine it and fit it into the environment. To turn a nondescript product into an exclusive little thing, everything that will be found in the sewing casket and pantries will do. Let’s see how this can be used?
Eco-style in the decor of photo frames made of cardboard
To bring souvenirs from the resorts did not lay dead weight and could fulfill their role as a “reminder” of a perfectly spent rest, remove them from hiding places and use them to decorate photos of the relevant subjects. Fine decor will be small pebbles. Pebbles can be left in a natural way or painted in cheerful colors.

Fine decor of the photo frame will be a small pebble
Elements can be laid out, sorting by size, trying to create some ornament or simply in an arbitrary order, diluting with other gifts of the sea coast. In any case, it turns out nontrivially and cute.

A frame of shells will remind you of a beautiful holiday
Magic nuts
Remember the lines from “Tales of Tsar Saltan” about nuts are not easy? We also need gold shells for the decor of the photo frame, and we will get them using spray paint. Divide the walnuts in half, spread the halves on paper and work with gold paint. After drying, decorate the glue on the frame. Simple and magical!

Decor photo frames with gold shells
The easiest way to get unusual photo frames. Of the gifts of nature will require:
1. The shell of the eggs.
2. Small seashells.
3. Thin twigs.
The shell is beaten into pieces (not into chaff!), Sticks are painted with white paint. Now it remains only to paste everything on the base.
This light mixture can be made and photo frame made of paper. The center of such crafts can become not only a photo. Arrange there thematic decor, like a saline from large seashells and bright autumn leaves.

Make photo frame with eggshell
The frame for photography can be not only beautifully decorated, but also flavored in addition. A pretty pleasant smell emits anise starlets, cinnamon sticks. Elements simply glue to the finished frame. Their number and location are determined arbitrarily.

Materials for decor of aromamarine
Photo in birch bark
Truly unique frame decoration option. A piece of unusual finishing material can be obtained from florists.
Master-class photo frame made of birch bark
The birch stratum is cut into 4-5 strips. Their number depends on the type of attachment of the frame structure. An extra strip of birch bark is assigned the role of a stubborn leg, so it will only be needed to create structures that will be exposed on the shelves.

Strips of birch bark
Cut the blank of the photo frame from the cardboard of the right size and paste the selected picture onto the front part of it. Use colored cardboard, better than green shades. Glue along the perimeter birch bark strips, decorated with unusual shapes (in the form of leaves or flowers) with buttons.

Glue along the perimeter of the birch bark strips
Fix the stand and send the original accessory to its intended location. More effectively in this natural frame will look black and white photos.

Ready photo frame made of birch bark
In business – braid
Vintage Charm
Attractive technology. For greater effectiveness, the photo frame made of cardboard is best painted in purple. Now it can be glued to a snow-white lace braid. To give the composition completeness, add corners of a button of different diameters and colors. Exquisite stand for photo is ready.

Photo frame in vintage style with lace
Fidgety spirals
Multicolored curls made of twisted cord and double-sided scotch – that’s what you need to transform a boring frame. We release one side of the tape from protection, apply the tip of the cord and begin laying it, twisting it in a spiral. When all the curls are ready, fix the strip on the photo frame of paper.

Frame made of twisted cord
Bubble frame
Very interesting design of the frame. For work you will need braid with small dense bubbles and transparent glue. A master class for creating a photo frame is not required. All actions are on an intuitive level.
The tape is glued along the perimeter of the product. The frame is laid on the surface. The inner part is carefully covered with a protective layer of food film. Pompons straightened out and nicely laid out, after which they are treated with a glue composition. The latter will need to be sprayed from the atomizer.

Bright photo frame with pompoms
After drying, the braid will become stiff and buboes will not hang.
Variants of the decor of the photo frame by other improvised materials
Denim design
Dress up photo frames from cardboard in jeans can even a child. You will cut out from the old things the desired shape of the part and just glue them to the base. For better grip, press the workpiece with something heavy and leave to dry in this position. Now select the inner perimeter not with a thick twine or an orange twisted cord and you can insert an image into an unusual photo frame.

Photo frame from old jeans
Wax decor
From this postal accessory you can make a great decoration for the frame. We collect a multicolored sealing wax and melt it. With the help of a stamp, we make impressions based on. The finishing touch will be a bow of the packaging twine

Decor of colored wax sealing
Photo frames made of improvised materials
“The photo frames made of cardboard framed with knitting threads are impressive”
Perhaps it sounds paradoxical, but the simpler the material will be used to make the frame under the photo, the more spectacular the result will be. Check the ideas in practice.
Incredible beauty frame will be made of a piece of ceiling tiles. All you need to do is cut out a figure of the planned form in it with a stationery knife. It can be not just a rectangle: give the unusual photo frame more original proportions. Make it oval, hexagonal, triangular, in the form of a heart. Finish work – stage decor. The basis can be painted or decorated with glueing details.

Photo frames from ceiling tiles
No less nice frames will be obtained from scraps of ceiling or wall skirting. We cut the pieces according to the dimensions of the structure and collect the parts in the given shape by gluing the end pieces. We decorate on your own. Quickly and effectively!

Photo frame from a wall plinth
Impressively look the photo frames made of cardboard framed with knitting threads. The basis is wrapped with mohair, colored acrylic or other types of yarn. Particularly gentle in this framework will look childish pictures.

Photo frame made of cardboard framed with knitting threads
A photo frame made of paper is boring? Try to make it from a glossy magazine. From his multicolored leaves wind the tubes, which are then collected together. For convenience and speed of the process, the sheets can be wound on a pen or pencil.

Photo frame from a glossy magazine
Enrich the old frame with discs. They are broken into fragments and already from small elements lay a pattern on the decorated surface. For a greater decorative effect, the voids formed between the parts are painted with acrylic paints. It is more convenient to use tubes. Through their sharp nose it will be easier to gently fill the voids.

The process of drawing a pattern from disks
By the same principle, you can work with colored glass. Stained glass decor will look great!
But, perhaps, the most unusual photo frames can be called products from … dough. It is kneaded according to a special recipe. A glass of flour will require half a glass of fine salt and water, as well as 50 ml of vegetable oil. If the color model is conceived, food dyes are added to the dough. Mix the dry ingredients and fill them with shaded water. Weigh the mass and season with vegetable oil. Stir the dough until done. Roll the ball and leave it for a couple of hours under the towel.

Required materials for making a frame of dough
From the rested dough, mold the frame and dry it in a preheated up to 100 (no more!) Degrees oven. The process will last for several hours, but the dough does not crack. Do not forget to turn an unusual photo frame. At the end of the procedure, the product is allowed to cool and opened with a varnish.

Ready frame paint in the right color
It is not necessary to make the frame initially color. Leave it white and decorate it after your baking.
Not ready to work on the photo frame with their own hands, and add to the house of exclusivity still want to – use transparent glass containers. Fold the shot into the tube and immediately push it into the neck of the bottle. For greater efficiency fill the bottle emptiness with glass balls of different colors, dried grass, croup.

Original photo frame from a bottle
Make a whole photo collage, fixing the pictures on the authentic wheel hanging on the wall. In the decor does not fit the abundance of small pictures in photo frames from improvised materials, and put them on the look very much like? Combine them into one picture. To do this, you will need to assemble a frame of wood or plastic, as a picture. In addition, stock up: small carnations or a set of colored clerical buttons, jute, measuring tape, clothes pegs.

Photo collage in a wooden frame on clothespins
The size of an unusual photo frame is determined by the number of pictures that should fit in it.
Lay out the photo on paper in the order in which you would like to see them inside the picture. Take measurements and assemble the photo frame yourself. Now, in the appropriate places, hammer in the nails and pull the jute over them. With the help of clothespins, hang out pictures of strung threads, as if the clothes are not rope. Your picture is created!
The beauty of such a decorative element is that the collection of photos in it can be regularly changed. You can make thematic or nostalgic collages, photo reviews of recent events in the family. Creative and always relevant!

The content of the photo collage can be changed regularly
As you can see, a photo frame with its own hands can be created from anything in a matter of hours. The main thing is desire!
Photo gallery – photo frame by yourself
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 18:57
ld a beautiful and original photo frame. The technique of making a frame from paper is similar to the one described above. It is necessary to cut out two identical parts, one of which will have a window for the photo. Then, using a ruler and a folding tool, you need to make folds along the edges of the parts, and then glue them together. The result is a voluminous frame that can be decorated with various materials. For example, you can use decorative paper, ribbons, lace, or even dried flowers. The possibilities are endless, and the result will be a unique and personalized accessory that will perfectly fit into the interior of any room. So, do not be afraid to experiment and create your own photo frames from paper or other materials. Its a great way to preserve your memories and add a touch of creativity to your home decor.