In many rooms today, the floors are tiled and there are many reasons. This material is characterized by the highest technical characteristics and affordable cost.
As a result, you can achieve high reliability and durability of the coating, which will be durable. Many different configurations, shapes and methods for decorating the basis of this product can be seen on sale, so it is not difficult to choose an option that fits any style of decoration and will be effectively used in any room. Modern tiled flooring – this is not the usual many simple tile covering, which can be seen in almost all administrative buildings and other buildings. It is possible to create beautiful intricate patterns by installing this finishing material diagonally.

Laying tiles diagonally on the wall
There are many options to diversify the floor area and do not resort to the use of expensive building materials. If you turn to any building store, then you will be offered a huge assortment of such products, which will be aesthetically attractive and durable.

Floor tiles laid diagonally
Diagonal styling – what is it?
This type of installation of tiles is positioned as the most complex and at the same time successful option. As a result, it is possible to achieve an aesthetically beautiful and durable floor covering from a familiar material. Today we will talk about how you can effectively decorate the floor with tiles, determine the main features of this method of laying it, and also tell you about the features of performing a number of works. At the initial stage, you need to clearly recall what the floor, finished with this material, should be.

Effective diagonal tile laying
Diagonal laying represents unremarkable rows of rectangular shape, which are deployed exactly 45 degrees relative to all walls of the room. In most cases, builders use a square tile, since it is much more convenient to work with it. You can choose a one-tone appearance of the finish, which protects yourself from selecting a pattern at the stage of mounting each individual link.

Laying monochrome tiles eliminates the need to select a pattern
Colored elements are most often located in the central part, but the trim is ideal for decorating the edges of the room. This solution is also very practical, since the amount of waste will be minimal. If you want to emphasize the expressiveness of the interior, nothing will interfere with the use of extremely bright and contrast tiles, which you can buy in almost every construction shop. Often resorted to the carpet method of laying and combine the different among themselves.

Laying contrast tiles diagonally
Distinctive features
It should be noted right away that diagonal styling may not be suitable for every room. If it is close, then it is not advisable to use this method, since visually the area of the room will be reduced. Moreover, even the slightest shortcomings of the room will become apparent. In many houses and apartments, the walls are uneven, and if the tile is mounted in this way, then this defect will become as pronounced as possible. If the room is very spacious, then you can safely resort to diagonal tiling.

Diagonal tile laying is suitable for spacious rooms
The drawing and the texture of the finishing material will always be emphasized, which will allow you to emphasize the decor elements you need to highlight. If you properly select the color, you can achieve almost any effect, and even minor planning flaws will be masked.

Diagonal tiles help to hide the blemishes of the layout
If this way to lay the tile of light tones, then the room in any case will become more lit and comfortable. The main feature of this method of laying tiles is that its rows are not located along one of a pair of walls, but at an angle, which in most cases is 46 degrees.

Light tiles laid diagonally, visually increase the room
The main difference between this method of laying tiles is that the work does not start from a certain angle of the room, but only from its center. Initially, it is necessary to apply an accurate marking, along which the whole tiles will be mounted. The rest will be pruned, and fit into the final stage of the work. It is important that the center of the room is initially defined correctly, as this will eliminate asymmetry in the decorative floor covering.

The process of laying tiles diagonally
Before trimming each piece, you need to make sure that the measurements have been carried out properly, and only after that start pruning. Note that this type of laying tiles involves the formation of not only straight rows, but also the use of materials of different shapes, which allows you to combine them in the stage of decorating the floor zone.

Combination of tiles in different sizes
Most often, builders use traditional square tiles, since it is easier to work with it. It can be large or small, which does not really matter. If you want to get the original pattern, then in this case it is advisable to use a rectangular or polygonal material. In relation to the walls, the tiles are mounted at an angle of 45 degrees, which allows to achieve maximum proportionality and aesthetics of the coating.

The tile is laid at an angle of 45 degrees
Through the use of rectangular tiles, you can effectively model the space inside any room. It is enough, for example, to arrange this material with the long side to the narrow sides and this will give an opportunity to increase the visual space of the room. If you take the direction to a natural light source, then in this case the illumination of the room will improve. With this manner of laying tiles need to be taken into account, the proportions will seem somewhat elongated. If you change the angle at the markup with respect to the walls, this will contribute to a drastic change in the layout. There will be an opportunity to hide the defects and even minor unevennesses of the floor zone without much effort.

Using diagonal stacking, you can model the space
The installation of the tile diagonally can differ from the traditional one in that it is executed in a runaway or seam in the seam. Professionals agree that it is necessary to do this only for those who have a lot of experience in tile work. In addition to installing whole tiles, you will need to pay special attention to pruning and fitting parts, which will be many.

Entrust the laying of tiles diagonally to specialists
As for the technology of flooring, it is almost the same. It will be necessary to pre-align and thoroughly prepare the base before installation. The floor should not contain traces of old finishing materials, which will interfere with the quality of the work. If the surface is absorbent or weak, then it should be primed first, in order to achieve maximum adhesion. Waterproofing must be carried out if the work is planned to be carried out in rooms with high humidity.

Before laying the tiles, level the floor surface
It is noteworthy that the installation of tiles on the floor in a diagonal direction to the walls can be made in different ways. The most common of them is when from the middle of the room the whole slabs of finishing material are mounted strictly on the marking, and then work begins with the scraps that will be placed all around the perimeter of the room. As a rule, this method eliminates the floor zone within small rooms, when precisely because of the small area it is possible to achieve high accuracy.

Laying tiles diagonally from the middle of the room
If it is necessary to mount a tile in a large room using a diagonal technology, then in this case everything will be much more complicated. The first thing to do is to put the first row, and only after that the cut out triangles will create the second row, with each part to be mounted by the hypotenuse down relative to the walls of the room. After that, all rows are laid in a horizontal direction, and the corners will be in a straight vertical, only lateral in the horizontal direction. It is also possible to resort to the inclined line method, but it is not recommended to do this to people who have never before engaged in tile work. The technology itself is quite complicated, so it makes sense to turn to professionals.

Laying tiles diagonally from the wall
Important nuances
This piling technology is characterized by a lot of complexities and nuances that should be taken into account. For example, if you use a chess pattern formed by traditional square tiles, you should avoid all kinds of curvilinear patterns. In large and small rooms such a solution will not look harmonious. Also, professionals do not recommend resorting to different variants of chess laying, capable of visually distorting the proportions of the room or provoking the appearance of curvature of the floor zone. From an aesthetic point of view, such solutions will not be justified, and the room will seem uncomfortable and cold. It will simply be unpleasant to be in such a room, so such measures are extremely inexpedient.

Diagonal laying of tiles in staggered order is only permissible for spacious rooms
In practice, with diagonal tiling, you often have to resort to combined and modular technology. In this case, you have to work with a material that has different shapes and sizes. It should be noted that the modular version is perfect for small rooms. Often it can be realized by means of square tiles of different sizes, as well as rectangular elements. They must be mounted with a repeating pattern.

Variants of modular tile laying along the diagonal
If you decide to mount the tile diagonally, then you need to adhere to certain rules. Remember that at the stage of this work will be used not only whole tiles, but also triangular halves. All scraps that will remain in the future can be effectively used. Quads and triangles can be used to decorate empty corners, as well as spaces within each frieze series. At the stage of calculating the amount of materials, you should not add 10%, as is customary to do by professionals, but 15. This error will be justified when you need to trim. If you decorate the long wall of the room with images, then you should start from the far side of the room towards the exit.

When calculating the number of tiles, add 15%
If you want to achieve the maximum leveling of this finishing material, then it makes sense to use a long rail, since it will be mounted at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the walls and the frieze row. In addition, it is necessary to regularly monitor the coincidence of perpendicular joints between the mounted tiles. It is important to check that there are not even the slightest skews, shifts of rows or other errors, since it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

When laying the tiles, make sure that there is no distortion
Otherwise, there are no difficulties and you can easily take up work. It is worth buying a quality tile and glue for its laying, in order to be sure in the future of strength and durability of the floor zone in this or that room.
Photo Gallery – laying tiles diagonally
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 16:47
between diagonal tile laying and traditional laying is the angle at which the tiles are placed. This method requires more precision and attention to detail, but the end result is worth it. Diagonal tile laying can add a unique and modern touch to any room, and the variety of colors and patterns available make it easy to find a style that fits your personal taste. However, it is important to consider the size and shape of the room before deciding to use this method, as it may not be suitable for smaller or irregularly shaped spaces. Overall, diagonal tile laying is a great option for those looking to add a stylish and durable flooring option to their home or office.