A restless boy, who loves adventure, will be very happy if his parents turn his room into something unusual and disturbing consciousness. An excellent option in this case will be a children’s room in pirate style. In such an interior, any child will feel a scorched sea wolf, a courageous captain or a famous corsair. He will gladly look for “forgotten” by you treasures and “win” all those who try to prevent him in this matter.
Finishing features of pirate style
“If the use of numerous ornaments on the wall surfaces of a children’s room in an unusual pirate style is not expected, then they can be” dressed “in thematic wallpaper, on the expanses of which will swim ships or inhabitants of the sea depths, and maybe on them stretch the banks of the undiscovered islands “
The spirit of pirate adventurism in the interior is created with the help of characteristic attributes and thematic design, but finishing works should also be given considerable attention.

children’s room in pirate style
When selecting a color palette, you need to choose between the shades that symbolize the sea, namely:
- Blue.
- Emerald.
- Green.
- Gray.
In addition to them, you can take brown, yellow, white, red shades and, naturally, black colors. From color combinations you can use white-blue-brown and white-brown-orange classics or come up with something more original.

bed in pirate style in the children’s room
Since the decoration of walls in the pirate interior is given great importance, then most often their surfaces are made monophonic. In this case, all the accessories that tell about the fun pirate life, will look very colorful. If the use of numerous ornaments on the wall surfaces of a children’s room in an unusual pirate style is not expected, then they can be “dressed” in thematic wallpaper, on the expanses of which ships or inhabitants of the sea depths will swim, and maybe the banks of the undiscovered islands will stretch on them. There’s nothing to limit your choice, so boldly connect the fantasy.
Suitable for this interior striped wallpaper, but again with the blue and white “sea” stripes. Strips, by the way, will give the room an additional visual height. Successfully complement such decor of the walls are red and black accessories of a thematic focus, something like a life ring or “Merry Roger”.

chests with treasures in a children’s room in piracy style
To select some zones and additionally decorate the walls, you can use the following techniques:
- Photo wallpapers with sea landscapes, uninhabited islands and other exotic images of this direction. Such a solution will help not only to create a children’s room in pirate style, but also to correct spatial shortcomings.
- Images of geographical maps, with schemes of locations of treasures. The thematic wallpaper of such a plan today is not a problem, but “live” manual work will be much more effective. Such a picture can be reproduced very quickly if you use a stencil in your work. If drawing is not your hobby, you can turn to professionals. They will gladly paint the walls with whole pirate scenes.
- Panoramic drawings of marine themes will help highlight and design the playing area.
- Vinyl stickers. If you assume that a children’s room, decorated in a pirate style, can quickly priestsya your child, then the use of vinyl stickers is exactly what you need. You can delete them at any time or replace them with new ones. Such labels will not cause damage to the basic covering of walls and furniture.

decoration of walls in a children’s room in pirate style
The ceiling surface is ideally finished in white tones. If you intend to turn a room into a ship’s hold, then on the ceiling may well appear wooden beams. In this decor they will be very appropriate. Beautiful and unusual looks on the ceiling photo printing. On it you can depict the sky or the same sea spaces. The floor in such a room, of course, should be made of boards or at least imitate the wooden structure. The effect of the deck of the ship can be created by parquet or laminate.
How is the pirate-style children’s room being furnished?
Furniture in the pirate room should be wooden. In addition, that it is very in the spirit of style, so it’s also environmentally friendly, that for the design of any children’s room is quite important. The bed can be turned into a ship, a boat, a yacht or simply made rough and uncouth, as it were careless. It is possible to supplement the construction with ropes, textiles and a pirate flag. The working area can be made the captain’s cabin, and the playing zone – the coastal strip.

mast in a children’s room in pirate style
Replace the standard cabinet with a chest of drawers and stylize it under a chest full of treasures. Standard wooden chairs can change barrels, which can be used as mini-pantries for storing things or small toys. Upholstery of upholstered furniture should be either monophonic, in a calm range, or striped combination of white and red or white and blue.
Raisin of pirate decor
“In the children’s room in the pirate style, there will be a globe of vintage brown-sand color, pictures with drawings of pirate maps, and a compass”
One of the final stages of creating a children’s room in an exciting pirate style will be the design of the window zone. While choosing textiles, pay more attention to natural fabrics, especially linen. A good solution will be Roman curtains made of this fabric. You can hide the window behind the textiles with a drapery that resembles the frigging sails that are waiting for the wind. An integral attribute of the pirate den will be a dense rope of rope type with a sea knot at the end. From it you can make excellent pick-ups. Bedspreads and bedding should also support the adventure spirit of the room. Sofa cushions in the form of an anchor, circle or black flag will adequately continue the chosen concept.

an excellent design solution: curtains mimic white sails
To find entertaining decorative elements in the pirate style today is not at all a problem. If space allows, then in the decor of such a stylish child can use a fishing net, a real hammock (excellent if it is made of canvas), install a telescope, a helm. On the walls you can make a whole gallery of pirate flags, and the regiments are forced to stylize for bottles of Roma elements. In the children’s room in the pirate style, there will be a globe of vintage brown-sand color, pictures with drawings of pirate maps, and a compass. Often, imitations of ships appear in the environment. On their improvised mast you can plant a parrot. If the room is not so spacious to find in it a corner for a “pirate vessel”, you can decorate the room with mock-ups of sailboats installed inside glass bottles.
It is very important to find such light sources that will not only cope well with the task of lighting an unusual interior, but will also fit into their general style with their exteriors. Such sconces, chandeliers and table lamps will become full-fledged decor elements. Today in the assortment of almost every store you can see lighting devices in pirate stylistics.

pirate style of a children’s room for a newborn
Do not forget that the children’s room is a room in which your beloved child will spend a lot of his time, so you can even draw a small owner to decorate it. Be sure to listen to his wishes, and the children’s room in the pirate style will be for the child a truly beloved corner. He will not just happily spend time there, but also feel pride in the unique interior, if his comrades suddenly glance into his pirate lair. The pirate interior will inspire you to remember your childhood and play with your son in treasure hunters. Hide in the room something tasty or a new toy, draw a road map-map to the “treasure” and together with the child go on a quest. In general, fantasize, and your baby will grow up a happy child!
Photogallery – children’s room in pirate style:
Author: Daria Degtyareva
05.05.2023 @ 16:49
Un niño inquieto que ama la aventura estaría muy feliz si sus padres convierten su habitación en algo inusual y que despierte su conciencia. Una excelente opción en este caso sería una habitación infantil con estilo de pirata. En este tipo de interior, cualquier niño se sentirá como un lobo de mar quemado por el sol, un valiente capitán o un famoso corsario. Con gusto buscará los tesoros “olvidados” por ti y “ganará” a todos aquellos que intenten impedirle en esta tarea.
Las características finales del estilo pirata se crean con la ayuda de atributos característicos y un diseño temático, pero también se debe prestar considerable atención a los trabajos de acabado. Al seleccionar una paleta de colores, es necesario elegir entre los tonos que simbolizan el mar, a saber: azul, esmeralda, verde y gris. Además de ellos, se pueden utilizar tonos marrones, amarillos, blancos, rojos y, naturalmente, negros. De las combinaciones de colores, se puede utilizar el clásico blanco-azul-marrón y blanco-marrón-naranja, o inventar algo más original.
Dado que la decoración de las paredes en el interior pirata se le da gran importancia, entonces la mayoría de las veces sus superficies se hacen monocromáticas. En este caso, todos los accesorios que hablan sobre la divertida vida pirata se verán muy coloridos. Si no se espera el uso de numerosos ornamentos en las superficies de las paredes de una habitación infantil en un estilo pirata inusual, entonces se pueden “vestir” con papel tapiz temático, en cuyas extensiones navegarán barcos o habitantes de las profundidades del mar, y tal vez se extiendan las orillas de las islas desconocidas. No hay nada que limite tu elección, así que conecta audazmente la fantasía.
Para seleccionar algunas zonas y decorar adicionalmente las paredes, se pueden utilizar las siguientes técnicas: papel tapiz fotográfico con paisajes marinos, islas deshabitadas y otras imágenes exót