According to many psychologists, one common child for the boy and girl greatly strengthens and improves their relationship in the future. Being in the common room, children learn to share toys, spend time together and, of course, as a consequence, understand each other much better. Designing a children’s room is not an easy task, and when two children and they are heterosexual, it is much more complicated, because in the design it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances associated not only with the tastes of children, but also with their psychology. It is necessary to build on the color and taste preferences of both children, the only way they will feel comfortable being in the nursery together.
With what it is better to begin registration of children’s
When creating a child’s interior, it is not necessary to hire a professional designer, because the kids are the most unsophisticated viewers, for them, first and foremost, home cosiness, warmth and love are important, and whoever but the parents knows their kids what they like and what colors they have more just like.

Arrangement of berths in a nursery for two children
When planning the interior of a room for a girl’s boy, you need to think over not only one common playing area, but, if possible, add individual ones, so that the kids can spend their time separately without disturbing each other’s personal space. Furniture is best placed so that most of the space of the room remains free, because for active games, children will need a lot of space.
“If you decided to design a nursery for a boy and a girl in a certain subject, choose something neutral, so that both kids feel comfortable in it”
When designing child rooms, ask the kids what colors they want to see in it, and be sure to consider all their preferences in creating an interior.

game color contrasts of furniture for children of different sexes
Correct zoning in the general nursery
When creating the design of a common children’s room for a boy and a girl, it is necessary to conduct zoning of the room for comfortable finding of children in it. There are a lot of ideas for creating it, for example, making out a child’s area for a certain specific topic, a zone for a boy, and for a girl you can decorate differently, adding to the interior design various drawings that emphasize who is sleeping there, also with accessories write the names of the kids.
More cardinal, will look like zoning, when parts of the room are painted in different colors. This zoning allow children to develop imagination, because they themselves can decorate their zone as they see fit. With such zoning, Baby for boys and girls fill with their favorite toys and heroes, and they will not quarrel and swear about where to put them or put them, because each of them will be a full-fledged master in their part of the room.

Zoning children with the help of a color scheme of walls and interior items
Children’s room for boys and girls should be equipped with several main areas: sleeping, working, a zone for each child’s personal belongings and playing space. Of course, these zones should be comfortable for both children, but if children get along very well or the age difference is minimal, you can combine some zones into one common one.
For example, it is possible to organize a space so that to connect the beds and storage area of personal belongings using modular furniture, this will help to conveniently arrange the furniture in the nursery, and save space, which will significantly expand the space for games. Modular furniture in the interior child looks very unusual and stylish, but for small rooms it will simply be an indispensable assistant in the proper organization of space.
When a boy and a girl are still very small and gender differences are not very important, then you can offer them to offer them common boxes and boxes for storing toys that they can decorate together, and also make them a general table for drawing or sculpting from plasticine , because these babies disperse only for sleep – each in his crib.

as the reception of zoning use the decor of the walls with the help of cartoon characters prints from your favorite cartoon kids
Use bedding that matches the taste of each child or let them choose the overall design of the room, for example, if for the boy and the girl is pleasant and interesting the theme of locks can decorate a child in this subject, here the boy will feel himself a noble knight, and the girl is a beautiful princess .
With teenagers should be more attentive, for them it is necessary to divide the space of the room, and make for everyone its own corner. If the brother and sister do not get along very well, which is quite common among teenagers, you can put the beds on either side of the room, and make a screen between the zones or hang a curtain

The screen above the bed ensures privacy of the personal space between the unisex teenagers
How to design a children’s room
The simplest solution, at first glance, seems to be the division of the room into two equal parts. Looking at photos of various interior designs for children of different sexes, you can notice that in the overwhelming majority of cases, the children are divided into two equal halves, both in color solutions and in different arrangement of furniture in each half of the room. But such solutions do not always allow us to properly allocate and distribute the personal space between the boy the girl, because such a layout, first of all, does not provide for a separate place for the kids. In a room with such zoning, none of the children can not be alone, if suddenly they do not want to play together, and this is a very weighty psychological discomfort.

compensate for a place for games in the nursery, helps two bunk bed
A very simple and convenient solution to this problem – the curtain, which at any time can make your own, a separate corner for each of the children, is also an excellent way out, for slightly grown up children to change clothes in the room without embarrassment to each other or do their personal affairs and do not interfere another child.
Color scheme in the general nursery for the boy and the girl
Psychologists say that the development of babies directly depends on the visual perception, so the choice of colors for the design of the children’s room should be approached very carefully, because each color carries certain information, the color gamut child The room can excite the apathetic kids, and soothe, too active. If you design a room for children of different sexes, do not dwell on “traditional” colors, such as pink or blue, for the children’s room there is a whole lot of pleasant and useful colors.

baby in beige brown colors
If you follow the recommendations of child psychologists, in the first two years of life the child should be surrounded by soft, but bright colors. Perfect combinations for the room boy and girl can be:
- Yellow-blue. The yellow color and all its shades have an extremely favorable effect on the development of children, it stimulates and develops fantasy, and also increases visual acuity, and blue color will soothe the babies and allow them to sleep soundly.
- Orange and light green. Orange combined with light green significantly increases the activity of children, so the children’s room decorated in these shades is more suitable for quiet kids. Also orange color stimulates appetite and very charitable influences on creative development.
Bright furniture items and wall decor, textiles are suitable for active children
- Pastel shades. Beige, pale yellow, the color of coffee with milk, perfectly suited for the design of the children’s room very active boys and girls. These colors very softly soothe the too active kids and allow them to concentrate more on their studies and spend more time on creativity. Add a moderate background child can be a few bright details, such as bedspreads or curtains, so the room will look calm, but at the same time charge a good mood for the whole day.
“Psychologists categorically do not recommend registering a children’s room in red, it negatively affects the development of kids and overexcites the psyche”

If the girl prefers red color then it can be diluted with white
Accessories for children’s room
Various accessories in the nursery for the boy and girl will help you not only decorate the interior, but also give a huge number of ideas for children’s games.
In the playing area you can lay a special, children’s carpet with an unusual pattern, it can simulate a race track, be with a drawing of the city, it can depict various animals or birds. Such an accessory is not only beautiful and harmonious in the interior of the nursery, but also helps kids develop and explore the world.
In the doorway you can hang a small swing. Kids will be delighted with a small improvised playground.
A table for creativity can also be unusual and non-standard if you paste a poster with animal images on it, or if children learn to read, with images of numbers and letters. Being at such a table, it is much more interesting to study everything new, rather than by books.

use of accessories in the children’s room
On the bed, you can lay unusual bedspreads and bed linens with letters or numbers, they will attract children, and even the most capricious boys and girls will gladly teach and remember them. Also on the bed you can put pillows with the names of children or with pictures of their favorite characters.
A baby for a boy and a girl is a great opportunity for parents to show all their love and get close to their children, because it’s very fun to create a room and decorate it all together. Kids will appreciate if you give small designers to contribute to the interior.
Photogallery – children’s for the boy and girl:
Author: Daria Degtyareva
05.05.2023 @ 18:16
Согласно многим психологам, общая комната для мальчика и девочки значительно укрепляет и улучшает их отношения в будущем. Находясь в общей комнате, дети учатся делиться игрушками, проводить время вместе и, конечно же, как следствие, лучше понимать друг друга. Однако, создание детской комнаты – не легкая задача, особенно, когда в ней будут жить двое детей разного пола. В дизайне необходимо учитывать множество нюансов, связанных не только с вкусами детей, но и с их психологией. Необходимо опираться на цветовые и вкусовые предпочтения обоих детей, только так они будут чувствовать себя комфортно, находясь вместе в детской комнате.
При создании интерьера детской комнаты не обязательно нанимать профессионального дизайнера, потому что дети – самые непритязательные зрители, для них важны в первую очередь домашний уют, тепло и любовь, и кто, как не родители, знает лучше, что им нравится и какие цвета они предпочитают.
При планировании интерьера комнаты для мальчика и девочки необходимо продумать не только одну общую игровую зону, но, если это возможно, добавить индивидуальные зоны, чтобы дети могли проводить