Villa and today the dream of many citizens. Ah, how do you want to escape from a bustling metropolitan life for at least a few days and completely surrender to communication with nature and the household. Buy a plot now is not a problem, but here for the complete comfort of pastime on it, you certainly need to build a house.
It’s not at all necessary to chase the local leader and drive something out like a palace. This is now difficult to surprise. Much more interesting to do is not a pompous, but a cozy house, but with such an atmosphere that he did not want to leave. It will be possible, if you are ready to work on its erection and design with a soul, and we will tell you how to build a cottage with your own hands.
Select a location
Deciding to put a house on the site, do not rush to dig a pit for the foundation. The Earth is, of course, yours, but the general rules of building will have to be met. Legal acts say that a house can be delivered:
1. No closer than 5 meters from the street.
2. At least 3 meters from the carriageway.
3. At a distance of 3 meters from the neighboring building.

Rules for the location of the cottage on the site
Look at what you get. If the construction site falls on the lowland, it will be necessary to look for an alternative option. In a pit, putting a house is nonsense. It will be constantly podtaplivat then rain, then melt water. We need to find a place on a hill. It’s good if it is located in the north-western part of the site. If the landscape relief is perfectly flat, prepare to equip a serious drainage system.
Several successful projects of holiday homes
The compactness of the building is not an excuse to give up comfort. Even the smallest area can be planned so that in the house there were also a kitchen, and rooms, and a luxurious veranda. The latter, by the way, will be the most favorite place for family gatherings.
Looking through the typical projects it is impossible not to notice that the leading place is occupied by one-storey buildings with attics. A time-tested option with a development perspective. The presence of an attic will allow to abandon the farm, because you can store tools and auxiliary things on its dry and rationally arranged space. To this house are often attached outdoor terraces, which in the summer become a cozy dining room.

The project of a one-storey cottage with an attic
Expand the useful area of the country house will help build the attic. In this case, you do not have to complete a full second floor. It will be enough only to change the configuration of the roof and slightly raise it. In this layout, the bedrooms should be rationally moved upstairs, leaving the first floor under a spacious kitchen and a small living room.

Bedroom in the attic floor
Unusually and stylishly look at houses in the style of high-tech. They are distinguished by the exact geometry of the architecture and the flat roof.

Summer cottage in high-tech style
The idea of twin houses is interesting. In addition to the main building, a smaller copy is placed on the plot. This is true for those who like to rest in big noisy companies. The guest house with separate two-level rooms in this case will be very helpful. You will not be embarrassing your guests, and they, in turn, you.

Twin cottages in the suburban area
Prefabricated structures
Prefabricated summer cottages have long ceased to be unattractive, monotonous parallelepipeds. Modern manufacturers offer a very original one / two-storey buildings of improved planning in the architectural solution. To build a house of this type is a complete pleasure. In fact, you acquire a kind of construction constructor, to assemble an object from the elements of which you do not need to have specific skills.

Country house of prefabricated type
It is noteworthy that the prefabricated houses originally provided for communication systems.
Here is:
1. Wiring.
2. Ventilation strokes.
3. Conditioning systems.
4. Water supply.

Cottage Communications
This will save from the global mistakes in their arrangement, so often allowed by newcomers in the construction of the cottage by their own hands. Inside the building there are:
1. Kitchen.
2. Rest rooms.
3. Bathroom.

Planning of the prefab house
The presence of electricity and heating will make it possible to fully use the house for living even on cold winter days.
For complete comfort in the assembled cottage house trim ceilings (most often suspension systems), install a shower, water heater, other necessary plumbing. It remains to breathe life into it, filling the interior with furniture, nice little things, and you can populate.
House of lumber
An excellent choice is the construction of a house from a bar. For these purposes, both its profiled version and glued are suitable. The option is economical, as the structure does not require global finishing works and is environmentally friendly, because inside there will always be a comfortable microclimate. Joy is overshadowed only by the complexity of the erection. Most likely, you will have to ask for help from specialists in this matter.

Prefabricated house of lumber
House of stone
Stone houses in the suburban areas are a real luxury. These are the most durable and durable buildings. Yes, they will have to be heavily used for their construction, but they will serve you for a long time and righteousness. The working material can be:
1. Brick.

Brick house
2. Foam concrete blocks.

Construction of a country house from foam concrete
3. Aerated concrete blocks.

House of aerocrete blocks
4. Natural stone.

House made of natural stone
5. Shellfish.

Country house of shell rock
It is almost impossible to build an object of this size on short terms, so if you do not want to get a half-century long-term construction on the site, it’s better to hire a team of qualified masons right away.
House of frame assembly
Similar projects are a real wand-rescue wand, as it is classified as low-budget. In addition, and to cope with their erection quite realistic on their own. The technology of their assembly is simple and fast. Some moments, of course, will require additional hands, but this does not mean that we need to call for help from the construction team. You will completely manage the services of a couple of assistants, hired with a daily payment. If you get down to business with a light, your holiday home will be ready in a few weeks. Accelerated finish – and you can start to exploit it. For lightweight walls, there is no need to lay a powerful foundation, and a multilayered floor and interfloor overlapping will make it possible to hide pipes and utilities wires.

Frame house
How to build a cottage type house with your own hands
We will consider technological moments on the construction of a two-story building. The size of the object is 5х10 m. The thickness of the insulation used in this case is 15 cm.
Step 1 – foundation
If you are lucky, and on the site the former owners already had a strip foundation, you can simply adjust its perimeter by increasing or decreasing the size. Adding length and width is the easiest way of columnar technology. In the end, you will get though a combined, but quite solid foundation for the pasture of the walls. old foundation is not bad to additionally protect. To do this, it is freed from the surrounding soil by about half a meter depth and the waterproofing compound is applied to the walls.

Filling the belt foundation
After drying, the foundation is covered with hydroglass. The open near-foundation space is filled with sand, which will need to be properly compacted. It will fulfill the role of natural drainage. Now you can return to the place and harvested soil.
In the case when everything has to start from scratch, the first thing from a site chosen for construction is to remove the fertile soil. He is sent to the garden, for rational use. Sand replaces the ground layer.

Laying of the basement for a cottage
We mark the site and dig a ditch in the shape of the future foundation. We make the formwork and fill it with one of the available methods. The easiest way to work on tape technology. The surface of the frozen base is also carefully waterproofed. To put the basement overlap, in the foundation you need to make a purge, in which will be installed anchors with studs. On average, 9-12 such holes are required. The base part of the wall should also be protected from getting wet, so the foundation is covered with a hydroglass and a film. The basement of the frame house is made of bricks and has a height of 1 meter.

Waterproofing of the ground floor
Step 2 – assembly of the basement floor
Mount the basement overlap follows the technological scheme “platform”. If the foundation is columnar, then the bars are attached in pairs to each column. On the tape can be laid 50-ka board or beams cross-section 10x15cm. Wooden elements are fixed with studs, the installation of which was mentioned above. The structure of the basement overlap must have a certain stiffness. To give it will help set the center of the house beams. The height of the strap should be 15 cm.

Installation of socle floor
On top of it will be laid thick boards, with a step distance of 60 cm. The lower part of the system should be a rough floor. It is covered with 25 mm boards. The result should be a cellular foundation. Filler cells will be polystyrene 5 and 10 mm thick. It is laid in layers. The remaining slits are sealed with a mounting foam. Now you can put the finishing floor.

Scheme of socle floor
Step 3 – withdrawal of walls
We will collect the walls on the surface of the finished floor of our frame house. The resulting modules are fixed to the bottom of the bar trim. The length of the racks with regard to the deadbolt will be 290 cm. The estimated height of the ceiling of the first floor is not less than 245 cm. The following floor can be made somewhat lower. The frame wall is quite bulky and it’s better not to try to install it alone. At this stage of construction it is rational to attract assistants. Installation of angular and interior walls will take about a week.

Assembling the walls of the cottage
It is important to correctly connect the angular zones with the transverse straps. For reliable fixation use:
1. Special thorns.
2. Connecting brackets.
3. Corners.
4. Plates.
You need to monitor the sheer walls and intermediate racks. All structures must be in the same plane. Why this is important you will understand at the stage of skinning. When assembling the frame between adjacent racks, there should be a gap, the width of which will be equal to the thickness of the insulation, which is planned to be laid in the partition. With this approach, you avoid fussing with the cutting of insulation boards or their gluing, which, incidentally, will positively affect both the speed of installation work and the quality of the thermal insulation of the object. The absence of unnecessary seams and joints minimizes heat loss.

Scheme assembly frame house cottage
Step 4 – strengthen the frame
The wall frame must have a margin of safety, which can be added to it by adding struts and braces to the structure. The role of such components is difficult to overestimate. They form the spatial rigidity of the core. The connection of the struts with the bar trim and the posts is done by frontal cutting. Scraps are introduced by cutting half-horned or fastened with banal nails and bolts. On each wall surface should be at least two struts. A noticeably greater number of parts appears if the frame of the prefabricated house is subject to increased requirements with regard to the strength stiffness. Additional guarantees of the strength of the house will be overlapping, wall sheathing, internal partitions.

Corner joints in frame house
When building a two-storey cottage house, there will certainly be a need for installing interfloor overlappings. Since x area will be large enough in our case, we will have to insure their strength by arranging the crossbars. Elements will make lags more reliable, stiffer and more durable. They will eliminate the risk of their deflection during the entire service life of the house. On our object the crossbars will be layered. On their construction will be used fifty-millimeter boards, fastened from the sides by boards in half the smaller section. Horizontal crossbars are placed above the window apertures and in the door area. In the first case, x requires two, in the second case, one reinforcing structure is sufficient.

Beams between the floors of the frame house
Step 5 – put the roof
The roof structure in the frame house consists of a rafter system and a roofing part. The latter is multi-layered and resembles a pie with its structure. In structure:
1. Draft coating.
2. The vapor barrier layer.
3. A layer of waterproofing.
4. Decorative coating.

The construction of the roof frame house
The rafter system is assembled according to a pre-designed design. It also calculates the consumption of materials. The optimal height of the attic space is 150 cm. The ideal form of the roof is a four-pitch roof, although any solution can be provided by the project. Installation of the roof takes about a week. The rough layer is collected from 25 mm boards. It will become the basis for fixing insulation. ICOPAL can be replaced by a banal ruberoid, the fixation of which is made by nails “forty”. It is better to give preference to the material of the Finnish production, which is more durable and more easy to break. As for the difference in price, you can not worry. Strongly you do not overpay for the last.

Assembling the roof of a frame house
Step 6 – wall covering
The erected skeleton of the house should be trimmed with an inch board. At the same time, a part of the sheathing material needs to be attached at a certain angle to add a house structure of reliability. If there is a financial possibility, instead of a board it is better to sheathe the house with cement-shaving plates or a plate material of a different kind.

Wall of a frame house in a section
If the house is built in the off-season, then before glazing and installing doors, all openings should be tightened with a thick film. In the same way, it is possible to protect the supplied roof truss system if there is no roof covering on it yet. Cladding works always begin with the facade and continue along the side walls. The back of the house is crammed last.

Sheathing of the walls of the cottage
Step 7 – Finishing Works
Your summer cottage is almost ready. It began to podnapryachsya very little and give it an aesthetic appearance. The first is to conduct roofing work. The best material for the design of the roof slopes will be flexible bituminous tiles. Here again you need an assistant. To cover the frame house of our dimensions will require 29 packages of soft roofing. The contents of one such pack is calculated for finishing 2,57 m2 of surface. Working with a partner, you can cover up to 15-18 square meters of roof per day.

Roof from shingles
Work begins to be conducted from the middle of the slope. The first row of tiles laid out horizontally. It should lie parallel to the ridge-roofing. The second row will already fit from the center to the sides, while the shingle will have to be shifted to half the petal. In order for the roof to turn out beautiful you need to monitor the straightness of laying rows. This will help the previously made marking of the base by stretching the threads or stripping with a lace.
Fix the soft tiles with usual nails. It is important to drive them strictly perpendicular, and do it so that the hat does not crash into shingles, but is flush with the main surface.

Installation of shingles
Roofing works with flexible tiles are carried out at a temperature not lower than +20, while the working day is divided into 2 halves: morning and evening. Time of standing of the sun in the zenith from the schedule drops out. In a strong heat for movement on the already covered areas should use a special stage. This will prevent deformation of the roof surface.
Particular attention is paid to the removal of passage elements (pipes, chimneys). Before installation, the parts are greased with bituminous mastic and securely fixed to the base of the roof. The exit location is also treated with bituminous composition and already the roofing material is laid on it. For a close fit, you should trim the shingles, which is done directly in place.

Installation of a chimney in bitumen shingles
The final stage of roofing will be the installation of a ridge aerator. This element is necessary for the unimpeded escape of air from under the roof space.

Ridge aerator for roofs
Along the ridge on the wooden flooring of the roof, a bed with a clearance of 3-8 cm is cut out for it. The aerator is fixed with galvanized self-tapping screws. Next comes a protective layer of ridge-cornice tiles. Do not forget about the need to install on the roof of the drainage system.
The roof is ready. It’s time to do the decor of the walls. The outer lining of frame structures is rational to produce siding. A skillful combination of its colors will help make your house irresistible, original and easily recognizable against the general background of buildings. A brighter color is to highlight the corners of the house and the area of the walls under the window apertures.

Finishing frame house siding
Facing is done step by step. Before fixing the siding, the walls are literally wrapped with a special windproof material such as “Izospan”. Over it is stuffed with a crate. Step distance of fastening boards – 37 cm, ventilation gap – 5 cm.
Now you can start fixing the cladding panels. This part of the work will take several days. You can not do without a metal tour. It does not have to be purchased. Forests of this type can be rented.
Step 8 – internal cladding works
Work on the inner skin should start with the insulation of the walls. Suitable sinteponovye mats or roll warmers. The latter, in this case, are preferable, since they do not form unnecessary joints. The insulating layer is held between the frames of the frame base and fixed with a construction stapler. Butt joints are additionally insulated with an adhesive tape. This must be done so that the insulation is not a donkey in the operational period. Attic overlap insulated with ecowool, which, moreover, serves as an excellent soundproofing device.

Warming of the attic of the cottage
The inner lining is made with a plank board, on top of which sheets of gypsum board will be installed. Alternatives to the latter can be chipboard plates and other sheet materials. It remains beautiful to decorate the interior, bring furniture and you can celebrate a housewarming.

Interior trim frame house
Interior solutions
Pick up a style for the interior of the cottage is sometimes not so difficult as it seems initially. There are many nice and at the same time budgetary solutions to the issue. What should I look at?
The dacha and the location of the house itself hints at the need for interior decoration in some kind of natural, soft, simple, without a special pretentious spirit. And the best thing for this role is, of course, the representative of the rural direction – the good old country. In such an interior will appear only those pieces of furniture and ornaments, without the functionality of which, in everyday life can not do. If these are nice little curtains on the kitchen sideboard, then they will also perform a practical one, in addition to the decorative function, namely, to replace the doors. And so it will be in everything. So do not be afraid of the clutter of space, although suitable in style, but completely unnecessary things.

Interior of country cottage in country style
Country has many varieties, so do not get hung up on the image of the Russian hut, although such an interior is very much to our liking. Your dacha may well become a corner of American, French, English culture. The so-called ethnocantri is in fashion today. Directions differ in the ways of furniture and design of thematic elements, such as: blankets, tablecloths, capes.

Interior of the country house in the style of ethnic country
This variant of interior design is akin to country. The similarity is expressed in the use, when creating an appropriate environment, of “retro-inclusions”, which are old lampshades, utensils, wicker or antique furniture of pretentious shapes. To emphasize the rarity of the situation will help the ancient hodi and expensive vases. In honor of floral patterns, geometric patterns, avant-garde paintings.

Interior of a house in retro style
If you want something solid, then refer to the classic directions. Any solution presented here will be a luxury. If in the above-listed options everything you need to create an appropriate environment can be found in attics, then to implement a classical style you will need to purchase:
1. Luxurious in its monumentality furniture.
2. High-flying chandeliers and sconces.
3. Expensive textiles.
4. Heavy curtains.
5. Carpets.
6. Expensive pictures.
7. Antiques.

Interior in a classic style
“Country Style”
Nobody prevents you from turning your country house into a stylistic assortment. You can combine directions, and no one will tell you that it is tasteless. The bedroom in the spirit of the retro can very well coexist with the classical living room and the kitchen of ascetic decoration. In the attic room, Provence and Baroque will perfectly live. The veranda will look great in bright and full oriental style colors, the same can be said about the architecture of the house and its design.

Decoration of the attic in the “villa” style
Realize everything that you like, without limitations and looking at the opinions of others. A dacha is a place where dreams should come true!
Photo gallery – cottage
Author: Mikhail Bond
05.05.2023 @ 19:30
in the walls. 2. Plumbing. 3. Heating. 4. Ventilation. 5. Electrical equipment. All this is already included in the kit, which greatly simplifies the process of building a cottage. In addition, such houses are environmentally friendly and energy efficient.
In conclusion, building a cottage with your own hands is not an easy task, but it is definitely worth it. You can create a cozy and comfortable home for yourself and your family, where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy nature. The choice of design and style is vast, and with modern prefabricated structures, the process has become much easier. So, if you have a plot of land and a desire to build a cottage, go for it!